gotta stop listening to hip hop
heart pain
Originally posted by kopiosatu:hmmmm should i buy a watergun here...
i saw quite a few in toys'raus ...
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:i saw quite a few in toys'raus ...
cheap or not?
Originally posted by kopiosatu:cheap or not?
got cheapo ones like $3-5 ? those are the very simple, small waterguns ..
they also got those big ones that look like rifle ..
at that time got sale, 2 for the price of 1 ..
go buy in thailand lah .....
you can't get those water cannon types in singapore
Time to sleep......see ya.
nonsense pricing in SG
i go get my cannons from home then
i'm discovering that the Discovery magazines are pretty good to read.. not too much information to make it dry and tedious, and lots of varied stuff...
worth the $7.90 an issue
i am reading the photography photoshop can change the dullest pics to a super colourful photo..!
oki time to get ready to go out..
going to the HIDING PLACE Charity bazzar to buy some CNY tibits...
and go to the nursery to look see look see flowers :)
Are you guys watching the pre-Inauguration excitement in Washington, D.C. on CNN? I feel soooo excited!
I don't like the chap ....
I think he's a slimey lawyer ....
all he would do is talk a lot, you watch ....
He's a well-oiled PR machine. But hey, better him than Hilary Clinton.
Originally posted by Fatum:I don't like the chap ....
I think he's a slimey lawyer ....
all he would do is talk a lot, you watch ....
anything is better than another 8 years of GOP
he's saddled with a mountain of expectations not totally of his own making but after Dubbya, a cardboard cutout could not do worse
Originally posted by Rhonda:He's a well-oiled PR machine. But hey, better him than Hilary Clinton.
it's unfortunate ... that mccain's a republican ......
and he got a dumb blonde as a running mate .....
I think he would have been a much better president ....
better a former warrior who's faced down his country's enemies and rode out a stint as a POW with his honour intact than a fast talking lawyer whom doubtless many people voted for simply because of the color of his skin, and not his ability as a president .....
Originally posted by Fatum:it's unfortunate ... that mccain's a republican ......
and he got a dumb blonde as a running mate .....
I think he would have been a much better president ....
better a former warrior who's faced down his country's enemies and rode out a stint as a POW with his honour intact than a fast talking lawyer whom doubtless many people voted for simply because of the color of his skin, and not his ability as a president .....
I didn't like McCain's stand on certain issues. Can't remember what now but when watching the debates, Obama came across as the most 'approachable', a 'people person'. You can't deny Obama has charisma and is a fantastic public speaker.
McCain has very conservative views. Plus, I think after Bush Jr, not many would want to support Republicans for now. Too many things still in their collective memory. Not until the Democrats screw up.
Would you choose McCain as President? Look at his HUGE mistake in selecting his running mate!! You want someone like that to be a President?! I shudder to think of the mistakes he can make if he can't even choose a good running mate. It was more like a huge comedy.
Originally posted by Fatum:it's unfortunate ... that mccain's a republican ......
and he got a dumb blonde as a running mate .....
I think he would have been a much better president ....
better a former warrior who's faced down his country's enemies and rode out a stint as a POW with his honour intact than a fast talking lawyer whom doubtless many people voted for simply because of the color of his skin, and not his ability as a president .....
i'm sorry but he didn't have a clue... at all..
a posturing bum who was shown what he was when the financial meltdown happened.. "suspending his campaigning to solve the financial problems" when all he did was get in the way and make a jackass of himself...
his being PoW doesn't cut any mustard with me... there are many others out there too... just coz he was one, doesn't do much in terms of his capabilities..
and his choosing of a dumbass for a running mate just because she was a woman, showed his ham-fisted attempt to get the vote of the women..
sorry... the GOP have showed themselves time and again for the bumbling money-grubbing corrupt big-business-owned machines they are...
all that is moot tho'... not our president..
most of all, with the Asses in power instead of the Pachyderms, there is more hope for peace which is in short supply now...
I love Washington, D.C.! I wanna return there!! *whimpers...
I have to destroy that photo I took in Washington, D.C. a few years ago where I 'kicked' one of the Democrat Donkey statues in the city!
Wow... it's so pretty in Washington, D.C.! She's all dressed up in a pretty gown for the inauguration! I started watching the CNN Inauguration program when the skies there were pitch-black. Then I slowly watched the first blush of dawn creep onto the slowly brightening visage... now, the sky's a pretty clear blue!
whatever the case .... I think it's safe to say that we've witnessed the beginning of the end for the states ....
I don't think they'll ever recover from the war and the financial crisis and catch up again ....
and you watch ... they can get out of Iraq easily enough, though it's the more unjust war .... Iraq's got an educated population, and lots of oil ... Afghanistan exports only two things, terrorists and opium .... it can never stand on it's own two feet ....they'll still be stuck there at the end of obama's watch, bleeding young men and coffers ....
hmmm should i get the band to play songs from the Ventures
it's time to forage ....
I'm hungry ....
Originally posted by Fatum:whatever the case .... I think it's safe to say that we've witnessed the beginning of the end for the states ....
I don't think they'll ever recover from the war and the financial crisis and catch up again ....
and you watch ... they can get out of Iraq easily enough, though it's the more unjust war .... Iraq's got an educated population, and lots of oil ... Afghanistan exports only two things, terrorists and opium .... it can never stand on it's own two feet ....they'll still be stuck there at the end of obama's watch, bleeding young men and coffers ....
Why are you so like some Prophet of Doom? Give the man a chance! He hasn't even gone through his inauguration yet! He may or most likely may not be able to fulfill his promises, given the economic climate right now, but he's the lesser of the evils. Sorry but the Republicans have made a royal mess and have caused a few countries to hate America. Obama, on the other hand, is so popular that when he won the elections, even the non-Americans in other countries celebrated. Now, THAT is an achievement in itself. And of course, after his inauguration, his report card lays wide open for marks to be given.