Originally posted by stellazio:now still got stock bo??
I'm going to M'sia only on 2nd and 3rd day of new year...
Anyway the pineapple tarts are not my favourite.....my favourite is the yellow star-like thing....can't remember the name, but something like kueh dalah or something.
family hasn't bought a single thing
mine has to do more with cravings..i eat bak kwa and pineapple tarts throughout the year not only cny..
Originally posted by stellazio:mine has to do more with cravings..i eat bak kwa and pineapple tarts throughout the year not only cny..
Hanor hanor.....
I want my kueh dalah.
Originally posted by cassie:Your aunty in KL ar?
Originally posted by the Bear:family hasn't bought a single thing
x 2
New shirt for CNY....
not news: helicopter pilot crashes.. dies..
Well, CNY is good for catching up on sleep at least. Think I'm going to try taking leave for next wed.
Originally posted by the Bear:not news: helicopter pilot crashes.. dies..
the link doesn't work....but text messaging? wtf?
there is no way i can take leave coz i'm doing my project..
this sucks..
200 hours of time off in lieu unclaimed..
i haven't bought any new clothes for the CNY for the past.. uhh.. 20 years?
Originally posted by cassie:Thought you supposed to wear something new from the tops of your head to the souls of your feet? Only got new shirt?
if that's the case then I've never celebrated CNY right. EVER.
Originally posted by cassie:Thought you supposed to wear something new from the tops of your head to the souls of your feet? Only got new shirt?
I don't have the dough and anyway, like bear, I don't buy new clothes for CNY.
I bought the shirt because I needed it to complement what I have...it just happens its CNY soon.
my mother refuses to give me money for cny clothing cause she says im in ns..wtf..
i manage to get a blouse today for cny...
Originally posted by cassie:Thought you supposed to wear something new from the tops of your head to the souls of your feet? Only got new shirt?
i'll settle for new underwears hahahahaaha
Originally posted by tare:
i'll settle for new underwears hahahahaaha
*presses laugh button*
i already bought new shoes but it was not for cny..
Originally posted by stellazio:my mother refuses to give me money for cny clothing cause she says im in ns..wtf..
Isn't it supposed to be thus?
I mean...I actually contribute to household expenses as well.
Damn, I dirt-poor.