Originally posted by kopiosatu:going into videography?
I told management that if they want me to continue doing this for the organisation they better buy me good equipment. And so they did. Getting it tomorrow!
TMD WBD... I left my Visa card in a shop I went to just now! Will have to head there early tomorrow to get it back.
Originally posted by Rhonda:
TMD WBD... I left my Visa card in a shop I went to just now!
Will have to head there early tomorrow to get it back.
you did WHAT
Originally posted by Rhonda:Playing The Sims 2 is like my 2nd full-time job.
But it keeps me out of mischief and helps keep my money in the bank!
My fishtank is not time consuming at all leh! Just need to change 10% of the water once a week or once in two weeks can liao! Maybe time consuming in the sense that I spend a lot of time just sitting in front of the fish tank, spying on what the residents are up to!
i think the most tiring / ma fan part for me is changing the water.
i like to look at aquariums but not maintain them
i need a maid
Originally posted by av98m:
office or home one?
in my office, the section that uses things like that the most, entrusts the purchase of things to a bloody lazy *&$^# who buys everything using the "lowest quote, cheapest at that site" philosophy... which resulted in them getting two useless samsung digital cams which now cannot focus properly and a decrepit camcorder which requires a tripod at all times else you'd be doing a Blair Witch..
Originally posted by av98m:
I told management that if they want me to continue doing this for the organisation they better buy me good equipment. And so they did. Getting it tomorrow!
What are you using it to do for the organisation? Are you involved in creating videos for them now?
Originally posted by Rhonda:
Wah liew... recession is looming and you are making purchases like that. Very no worries, hor?
*ahem* the taxpayers are footing the bill for that one
Originally posted by av98m:
well, he did get the redneck vote
the rednecks seem to lead towards the Republicans, i wonder why
maybe its the war
Originally posted by av98m:
you did WHAT
Erm... nothing!
Originally posted by the Bear:
office or home one?in my office, the section that uses things like that the most, entrusts the purchase of things to a bloody lazy *&$^# who buys everything using the "lowest quote, cheapest at that site" philosophy... which resulted in them getting two useless samsung digital cams which now cannot focus properly and a decrepit camcorder which requires a tripod at all times else you'd be doing a Blair Witch..
office! for my use only! we have another one which is shared and I got fed up with having to book the damn thing in advance and sometimes having to return it on short notice for others to use.
and your procurement process sucks. over here I can demand specific models provided I write a justification which is approved by the higher ups.
Originally posted by kopiosatu:the rednecks seem to lead towards the Republicans, i wonder why
maybe its the war
NRA lobbyists
Ultra-right wing Christian fanatics
Originally posted by kopiosatu:the rednecks seem to lead towards the Republicans, i wonder why
maybe its the war
The rednecks wouldn't want any non-Caucasian to be the next American President, methinks. They are pretty white-supremist in their thinking.
Originally posted by Rhonda:What are you using it to do for the organisation? Are you involved in creating videos for them now?
Originally posted by av98m:
I told management that if they want me to continue doing this for the organisation they better buy me good equipment. And so they did. Getting it tomorrow!
the last time the orgyganisation did that to me
i ended up working at home! because they definitely can't buy me an iMac or Mac Pro!
Originally posted by Rhonda:
Oh, just a piece of interesting news for cassie and av... I saw Serta's mattress ad on TV the other day. It was about a herd of sheep (or is it flock of sheep
) pleading with this lady to please continue to count sheep before she sleeps.
Is this the same ad that you guys have over in SG?
wait wait...what has matty or AV gotta do with me?
other news...even the coffee isn't helping me one notch. already laid off my lunch and yet still zzz.
Originally posted by av98m:office! for my use only! we have another one which is shared and I got fed up with having to book the damn thing in advance and sometimes having to return it on short notice for others to use.
you *&^% lucky *&^$
for photography, i have to use my own camera or that decrepit Sony F707 which is so worn out that it has a 0.75s to 1s shutter lag...
i am not kidding..
Originally posted by av98m:
Waaaah... you have 'expanded the scope of your designation' and have 'successfully multi-tasked' and have exhibited 'talent and creativity over and beyond your job scope'... you're making yourself indispensible, right? Soooo clever!
Originally posted by the Bear:
you *&^% lucky *&^$for photography, i have to use my own camera or that decrepit Sony F707 which is so worn out that it has a 0.75s to 1s shutter lag...
i am not kidding..
the orgyganisation have a crappy camera too!
and i seriously didn't know how to use it
and finally they bought a d70s
Originally posted by Rhonda:Waaaah... you have 'expanded the scope of your designation' and have 'successfully multi-tasked' and have exhibited 'talent and creativity over and beyond your job scope'... you're making yourself indispensible, right? Soooo clever!
more like I'm heavily overloaded. but oh well, at least I do get rewarded for the extra work.
Originally posted by Rhonda:Waaaah... you have 'expanded the scope of your designation' and have 'successfully multi-tasked' and have exhibited 'talent and creativity over and beyond your job scope'... you're making yourself indispensible, right? Soooo clever!
he can win another award, go up and accept it and look 4 months pregnant this time round!!
Originally posted by av98m:office! for my use only! we have another one which is shared and I got fed up with having to book the damn thing in advance and sometimes having to return it on short notice for others to use.
and your procurement process sucks. over here I can demand specific models provided I write a justification which is approved by the higher ups.
oh.. we can have specific models if it serves its purpose..
just that the lazy bastard is too damned lazy to write justification for anything, he just goes with the lowest quote.. or the cheapest thing there.. so we end up buying crap...
the finance people don't ask questions because it's the cheapest.. no need to query..
Originally posted by kopiosatu:the orgyganisation have a crappy camera too!
and i seriously didn't know how to use it
and finally they bought a d70s
oh yah.. talking about cameras..
the stupid bastards which merged with us, had a blood Nikon F1 or something like that in the dry box...
thing is, lens is in shambles, the body is cracked, the film-loading catch is broken, and most of all, there was no film even if we wanted to use it to take pictures...
i asked and they said it was sitting in the bloody dry box for the past 5 years.. no one wanted to touch it!
i wrote to the admin to get it repaired.. and the same lazy bastard who is now in the other section was then working there too, just condemned it and threw it away...
condemned it, threw it away
and do they buy a D3?
Originally posted by kopiosatu:he can win another award, go up and accept it and look 4 months pregnant this time round!!
Originally posted by kopiosatu:condemned it, threw it away
and do they buy a D3?
nope.. you won't believe what we were made to use...
a Sony F505