Originally posted by elindra:
Nay his turtle is underweightLooks like a skeleton with a shell
Other ppl said he better start pumping it up too haha
Piggy is slightly plump not morbidly obese
I was kinda thinking of myself... Back in SG, I was apparently "morbidly obese" according to my BMI. Here, I'm average! Hallelujah!!
Originally posted by deathwish:I like rearing gold fish in pri sch
In Primary school I had too many pets
I think I had :
3 dogs
1 canary
4 hamsters
4 frogs
2 3 feet tankful of fish
2 Salamandars (not illegal then)
2 terrapins
1 soft shell turtle
2 rabbits
2 chickens
Originally posted by elindra:
I'm not even around till almost end 70s hahahaThen again I'll be too young to understand
I like the '70's where nobody knew too much about anything and things therefore were much less complicated. When we cleaned fish tanks last time, we caught all the fishes into a separate bucket which was used to clean floors, and gave the tank a good scrub, then dumped the fishes back in. No fishes died as a result.
These days, must change only 10-30% of the water every 1-3 weeks lah, age the water with a water ager lah, test pH of the water lah, test ammonium levels etc lah, blah blah blah. Last time, we never did such things and the fishies all survived.
Originally posted by deathwish:I like rearing gold fish in pri sch
Gold fishes are easy... they grow fat easily cause they tend to overeat. They won't stop even when full... t hey'll just eat and eat till they burst!
A friend of my brother's actually reported seeing the sides of his goldfish get a bloody red 'bleed' after the goldfish ate non-stop!
Originally posted by Rhonda:On Thursday, 9 Oct 2008, after MONTHS of planning for and shopping around and reading, I FINALLY set up a humble little aquarium!
I love Bumble Bee Fishes and once I realised that they do import them over here, I was so gleeful I wanted to keep them. Me and the Bumble Bee Gobies go a long way, back to when I was in Pri / Sec Sch.
I couldn't find a tank that was small enough because the smallest was already 38 litres! Besides, they didn't come cheap over here because a heater is also needed to maintain the water at 25-27 deg C for the tropical fishes. Actually, everything aquarium is expensive here, compared to back home, so I had to wait and shop around a bit first...
I got my wee little 5.7 L tank for just A$40 and it comes complete with a (weak) LED light and a pump + filter.
I wanted three bumble bee gobies and when I went to the neighbourhood aquarium, they had three left!
So, the gobies all came home with me and became happy residents! Look how permanently grumpy they look! Harharhar! I LOVE them because they are forever grumpy-looking!
I got three snails free. You can see one of them clinging to the side of the tank above.
I saw one other aquatic creature that really caught my interest - Crystal Red shrimps!
They are apparently 'rare' here and I really balked at the price - blardy A$40 each!! After hassling the staff to be sure that the gobies won't make expensive snacks out of them, I got the two largest Crystal Red shrimps they had.
They are sooo tiny! Hopefully, they will eat a lot and grow large fast. There's no way of telling if they are a male-female couple or not but I sure hope they are and that they will breed!
Apparently, they really love moss, so they can kinda 'hide' in it and makan from it too. It's quite cute how they are always nestled in the entangled mess of moss!
Like so...
I kept observing the residents in the tank and yelling out to the bee fish gobies that they are NOT to makan the shrimps! I held my breath each time they got close to each other, but hmm... today's the first morning post aquarium set-up and all residents are at home so I guess nobody kena'd makan! No casualties reported! Hehe!
Heng ah... the bee fish gobies simply swim by the shrimps each time their paths cross! Phew!!
Oh.... you finally did it!!!! Yay.....
Originally posted by elindra:
In Primary school I had too many petsI think I had :
3 dogs
1 canary
4 hamsters
4 frogs
2 3 feet tankful of fish
2 Salamandars (not illegal then)
2 terrapins
1 soft shell turtle
2 rabbits
2 chickens
I lived in a tiny 2-bedroom HDB apt so I only had fishes and tortoises.
I loved it when mom sliced up cabbage / lettuce and dumped them all on the tortoises and then you couldn't see them, but you could hear them crunching away at the lettuce and then suddenly, you see them after they've eaten away the top layers!
Originally posted by honeymouse:Oh.... you finally did it!!!! Yay.....
The whole exercise cost me almost AUD $300!! Bloody hell!!
Say, honeymousey... SL's coming over to visit me in late Nov. Paul's also been nagging at me to clean up my place so I can invite him over. I guess my target is before SL arrives so I can invite all of you over... but be prepared... there's only one chair and one futon couch that's a double bed in the living room. I can sit on the top rung of a ladder I have and the rest of you ... well, will just have to figure out where you wanna sit!
Originally posted by Rhonda:
The whole exercise cost me almost AUD $300!! Bloody hell!!
wow! expensive hobby!
Originally posted by cassie:
wow! expensive hobby!
And worse, you don't get bang for your buck here, unlike in Singapore...
Originally posted by Rhonda:Say, honeymousey... SL's coming over to visit me in late Nov. Paul's also been nagging at me to clean up my place so I can invite him over.
I guess my target is before SL arrives so I can invite all of you over... but be prepared... there's only one chair and one futon couch that's a double bed in the living room. I can sit on the top rung of a ladder I have and the rest of you ... well, will just have to figure out where you wanna sit!
That's exciting. You might as well invite your mum over after your guests have left while your place is still neat and tidy! Anyway, look forward to seeing your place.....
Originally posted by Rhonda:Gold fishes are easy... they grow fat easily cause they tend to overeat.
They won't stop even when full... t hey'll just eat and eat till they burst!
A friend of my brother's actually reported seeing the sides of his goldfish get a bloody red 'bleed' after the goldfish ate non-stop!
I remembered rearing guppies, goldfishes, fighting fish and kissing gurame??
Originally posted by deathwish:I remembered rearing guppies, goldfishes, fighting fish and kissing gurame??
Kissing Gourami
Originally posted by honeymouse:That's exciting. You might as well invite your mum over after your guests have left while your place is still neat and tidy!
Anyway, look forward to seeing your place.....
Cannot!! Mom will nag!! I can imagine what she'll say even! Something like, "You still have a storeroom full of barang-barang in Singapore and your house in Melbourne is already full to the brim?!!"
Originally posted by elindra:
Kissing Gourami
Yeah that
Originally posted by Rhonda:
The whole exercise cost me almost AUD $300!! Bloody hell!!
that's less than the price of one of pinky's expensive fish, and also less than what I paid for my chinchilla.
see? doesn't seem like so much money now
Originally posted by av98m:
that's less than the price of one of pinky's expensive fish, and also less than what I paid for my chinchilla.
see? doesn't seem like so much money now
how much did you shell out????
Originally posted by cassie:
how much did you shell out????
$400, and another $200 for the cage
Ya lor when one of my fish dies
It's like at least 60 bucks out of the window
Or even worse 200 + out of the window or 300 + out of the window
Originally posted by elindra:Ya lor when one of my fish dies
It's like at least 60 bucks out of the window
Or even worse 200 + out of the window or 300 + out of the window
Don't think I can bring myself to pay THAT much for a fish.
But then again, I never thought I'd fork out that crazy money for Crystal Red Shrimps either.
Originally posted by av98m:
$400, and another $200 for the cage
But dollar for dollar, paying $400 for a chinchilla is very worth it because of the interaction you can get from it whereas paying $400 for a fish is...
Originally posted by Rhonda:But dollar for dollar, paying $400 for a chinchilla is very worth it because of the interaction you can get from it whereas paying $400 for a fish is...
wokie...you guys have very very expensive pets!
Sitting here, looking at my tank, it is seriously way too small...
Originally posted by cassie:
wokie...you guys have very very expensive pets!
Not me!!
Hmm... I had cats for a few years in my life before I left for Melbourne. I did spend a sizeable sum feeding all three of them at one stage, but I never once balked at the money because they were my darlings and I only wanted to feed them good food. I love my cats!
Hehehe... so amusing to watch my bee fish gobies feeding!
All three residents in the tank eat different food. Peng Sanz!! But the shrimps don't stick to theirs only... they eat everything, like a smorgasbond buffet!
The bee fishes are fed frozen brine shrimp. They love to take a huge mouthful and then spit it all out at times. But when I say 'huge mouthful', it is really a HUGE mouthful!
The amber tetras are very very tiny and their mouths are also tiny so they just eat one teeny meeny flake and that seems enough.
The shrimps... they seem to always be putting something into their mouths at any time of the day!