Pixie food: food you used to enjoy as a kid but can't stand now.
Food I used to love love love way back then but I can't stand now?
Ketchup on plain white rice;
Baked beans fried with an egg. Gross!
Tell us about your pixie foods?
so cute..calling it pixie..
mine was cheese on rice last time and bake it ala my own version of baked rice.. any kind of gravy or other side dishes on it..have to have cheese and baked..
is that what they call it in the states? god...i saw the topic and went...tiny tiny food.
ok, my pixie food or rather drink = soft drinks.
I was thinking enid blyton. Wth...
Originally posted by jetta:Pixie food: food you used to enjoy as a kid but can't stand now.
Food I used to love love love way back then but I can't stand now?
Ketchup on plain white rice;
Baked beans fried with an egg. Gross!
Tell us about your pixie foods?
na... i already quite picky with food since young...
whatever i loved then, i still love now...
whatever i loathed then, i still loathe now...
fried white bread with beaten eggs ...sprinkle with sugar...:)
Plain Porridge with soy sauce
my stomach's become even more accomodating and open minded with age .....
I don't know what I used to like and dislike now..
but I have quite a lot of dislikes...
The overly sweet soft drinks and even hot drinks like coffee and tea I prefer with less sugar now.
However, I still retain my love for hot chocolate and scary sweet desserts like bread pudding, creme brule or cream caramel
Originally posted by Fatum:my stomach's become even more accomodating and open minded with age .....
Yes. We can literally see that.
Originally posted by av98m:The overly sweet soft drinks and even hot drinks like coffee and tea I prefer with less sugar now.
However, I still retain my love for hot chocolate and scary sweet desserts like creme brule or cream caramel
c'mon.. out with it..
there's one more..
you have to face that... eventually
Originally posted by the Bear:
c'mon.. out with it..there's one more..
you have to face that... eventually
what is that?!
oh, but here's something interesting. I actually like pickle in my burgers and subway now.
lotus root soup that my mum used to make
Originally posted by the Bear:
c'mon.. out with it..there's one more..
you have to face that... eventually
there's something that AV doesn't eat ??
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:there's something that AV doesn't eat ??
He eats everythings?
hippo never grow up ......
Originally posted by av98m:
what is that?!
oh, but here's something interesting. I actually like pickle in my burgers and subway now.
it comes in a round black bottle with a red top
Originally posted by the Bear:it comes in a round black bottle with a red top
..............my childhood was a lie. a lie!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by the Bear:it comes in a round black bottle with a red top
Actually I used to love that as a kid but I hate it now
Other things I hate now is Horlicks. The only malty flavoured stuff I like is beer and Guinness. Any other malty flavoured things make me wanna barf >.<
I used to like preserved leeks as a child too. Now I hate it :x
I actually liked the fishy taste of the white cod liver oil as a child too but these days it's >.<"
Maybe my tastebuds were slow to develop as a child coz I happen to like those bitter chinese medicine but now I will barf ><
Never mention the B word ever again
I was thinking Marmite.
Originally posted by kiseki:
I was thinking Marmite.
That's yellow cap :P not red
Oh. Bouvril then.