cats like to play with their food ....
Ok this is seriously weird shit!
A 2cm long fish apparently found it's way into the penis of a 14-year-old boy from India in a bizarre medical case.
The patient was admitted to hospital with complaints of pain, dribbling urine and acute urinary retention spanning a 24-hour period. According to the boy, the fish slipped into his penis while he was cleaning his aquarium at home.
Professor Vezhaventhan and Professor Jeyaraman, who treated the boy and later wrote a paper on the case, explained: "While he was cleaning the fish tank in his house, he was holding a fish in his hand and went to the toilet for passing urine. When he was passing urine, the fish slipped from his hand and entered his urethra and then he developed all these symptoms."
After detecting the fish in the boy's bladder, Vezhaventhan and Jeyaraman used a technique known as cystourethroscopy to insert a special set of forceps down the patient's penis. Unfortunately, the fish was just too slippery to grip, so they resorted to using a rigid ureteroscope with a tool attached that is normally used for removing bladder stones.
The fish the urologists removed, which Practical Fishkeeping believes to be a small member of the Betta genus, measured 2cm long and 1.5cm wide.
He was later admitted into counseling to help him overcome any trauma.,22049,24353334-5012895,00.html
and it isn't even a Candiru!!
Pinky, the news is very fishy, excuse the pun. WHO in his right frame of mind goes to take a pee holding a fish in one hand?! I think that boy was up to mischief and helped to insert the fish into his anatomy.
Originally posted by Fatum:cats like to play with their food ....
You don't understand cats! It's more like this cat wanted to keep her own pet! The chook is a pet of a pet!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Pinky, the news is very fishy, excuse the pun. WHO in his right frame of mind goes to take a pee holding a fish in one hand?!
I think that boy was up to mischief and helped to insert the fish into his anatomy.
I dunno man
But seriously it's not a small fish lor!! It's a bloody fighting fish!
Plus THAT cavity the fish slipped in is supposed to be very small n not THAT stretchable!
Wouldn't it cause him extreme pain if he tried forcing the fish in himself? -_-" and a live wriggling fish is not easy to hold
Some Saudi cleric thinks "the mouse is one of Satan's soldiers" and must be killed...
therefore... Mickey Mouse must die!!
and i always thought Mickey was a rat
how big was the fish?
While he was cleaning the fish tank in his house, he was holding a fish in his hand and went to the toilet for passing urine. When he was passing urine, the fish slipped from his hand and entered his urethra and then he developed all these symptoms."
you guys wonder about it too ? ....
Originally posted by the Bear:Some Saudi cleric thinks "the mouse is one of Satan's soldiers" and must be killed...
therefore... Mickey Mouse must die!!
and i always thought Mickey was a rat
I think this fellow's is one of satan's soldiers ....
odd boy.. how does a fish gets inside the .... dun wan say liao.
i go sleep liao..
this is.. kinda funny, kinda sad...
=> Man Charged With Dumping Real Doll
he lived with the sex doll for several years after his wife passed on... he got quite attached to it but didn't know what to do with it after he was going to go live with one of his children.. so he put it in a sleeping bag and put it in the woods...
a couple walking their dog saw it and thought it was a dumped corpse...
the police came in and realised it was a sex doll and hunted the man down, thinking they were made patsies of a malicious prank
the man now faces charges for violating Waste Management Laws
Sheikh Muhammad Munajid claimed the mouse is "one of Satan's soldiers" and makes everything it touches impure.
But he warned that depictions of the creature in cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, and Disney's Mickey Mouse, had taught children that it was in fact loveable.
The cleric, a former diplomat at the Saudi embassy in Washington DC, said that under Sharia, both household mice and their cartoon counterparts must be killed.
Mr Munajid was asked to give Islam's teaching on mice during a religious affairs programme broadcast on al-Majd TV, an Arab television network.
According to a translation prepared by the Middle East Media Research Institute, an American press monitoring service, he said: "The mouse is one of Satan's soldiers and is steered by him.
"If a mouse falls into a pot of food – if the food is solid, you should chuck out the mouse and the food touching it, and if it is liquid – you should chuck out the whole thing, because the mouse is impure.
"According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature. How do you think children view mice today – after Tom and Jerry?
"Even creatures that are repulsive by nature, by logic, and according to Islamic law have become wonderful and are loved by children. Even mice.
"Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases."
mousehunt ! send em all on mousehunting !
Train crushes couple who were 'doing it' on the railway tracks
Of all the places to get frisky........
Originally posted by fudgester:Train crushes couple who were 'doing it' on the railway tracks
Of all the places to get frisky........
hmmm... not exactly news...
but my jaws are still hanging...
they conveniently forgot.. what happens to the furniture?
here's more stupidity and insanity brought to you courtesy of the barking mad PETA
=> PETA wants B&J to use Human Milk instead of Cow Milk
i'll say it again.. wtf is wrong with PETA?
Originally posted by the Bear:they conveniently forgot.. what happens to the furniture?
here's more stupidity and insanity brought to you courtesy of the barking mad PETA
=> PETA wants B&J to use Human Milk instead of Cow Milk
i'll say it again.. wtf is wrong with PETA?
I actually read this on MX paper... the paper we get in the evening at the train station....
A dog brings home a severed foot. Police think it's a child's foot and starts a search in the forest. After 2 days, they stop the search when someone points out...
you'd think the idiots would be able to differentiate between a bear paw and a child's foot!!
what can we say ? ....
donut munchers. ....
Originally posted by the Bear:they conveniently forgot.. what happens to the furniture?
here's more stupidity and insanity brought to you courtesy of the barking mad PETA
=> PETA wants B&J to use Human Milk instead of Cow Milk
i'll say it again.. wtf is wrong with PETA?
Is it not enough that B&J uses cows that are not pumped full of hormones
And how do you get so many mothers who wanna be milked by a cow
And what will consumers think too
Good grief
in a feat of world class hubris and stupidity, the asswipes in Dubai have put about 400 sharks of 85 species into their shopping mall tank..
=> Sharks turn on each other, over 40 killed
WTF were the idiots thinking of???