The Xingu River flows from the tropical savanna of central Mato Grosso, Brazil northward to the Amazon for 1,979 km (1,230 miles). Some 14,000 indigenous people, from nine distinct ethnic groups, live along the Xingu. In 1989, an international mobilization, led by the Kayapó Indians, stopped state electric company Eletronorte´s plans to construct a six-dam complex on the Xingu and its tributary, the Iriri.
Now, Brazil is planning the construction of a huge dam on the Xingu, called Belo Monte. Belo Monte would require diverting nearly the entire flow of the Xingu through two artificial canals to the dam´s powerhouse, leaving indigenous communities along what is known as the Xingu´s Big Bend without water, fish, or a means of river transport. The dam would be highly inefficient, with its turbines grinding to a halt for three or four months every year during the river´s lowest stream flow. Facing this reality, the electric sector is now planning to build four additional dams upstream to store water during the dry season, as well as to generate electricity. Original plans for dams on the Xingu would have meant the flooding of more than 18,000 sq km (8,300 sq mi) of the rainforest. The latest dam plans would cause the flooding of indigenous villages and other protected areas, as well as irreversible impacts to the Xingu´s fish stocks.
International Rivers is working with the Kayapó and other indigenous groups and environmental and social activists to protect the Xingu River Basin from large dams. Indigenous peoples and their allies are planning a huge gathering in 2008 to voice their opposition to dams on the Xingu.
energy crisis ...... food crisis ..... environment crisis .... sigh ....
Wah liao you know in Xingu river there are a lot of rare fishes
Some yet to be discovered too >.<"
The impact is going to be HUGE
And it is also home to a lot of CITES protected fishes
Originally posted by elindra:Wah liao you know in Xingu river there are a lot of rare fishes
Some yet to be discovered too >.<"
The impact is going to be HUGE
And it is also home to a lot of CITES protected fishes
let those fishes hide in your fish tank loh ......
Originally posted by InnoHippo:let those fishes hide in your fish tank loh ......
If I can afford them in the first place lor ~
Some of the fishes there in the fish trade from that river you need to be rich to buy them ><
Nikola Tesla has already discovered Free Energy for all mankind but due the selfish nature of man those who have this knowledge refuses to release this power to help the poor. JP Morgan killed Tesla 's Energy Tower because it would mean free energy for everyone and oil companies will lose business.
Now we are all still constructing dams and burning carbon to get power.
Some info about the great man Tesla
Ill be dam!
It's awful how these large corporations think only in terms of profits, but then again, that being their raison d'etre in the first place, we shouldn't be surprised by their motivation.
However, all said, there's really no excuse for permanently destroying earth's resources! They simply do not care about eco balance, but worse, they do not care about the people that this project will affect!!
you think they give a shit?
Donald "I've got bad hair but I'm so rich I don't care" Trump is trying to screw the hell out of a Scottish sandbank ecology to build a golf resort..
China is consuming at a rate which the planet doesn't even have a snowflake in hell's chance of sustaining.. it's still increasing and they don't care... so there's no need to even put India into the equation
the US has been fighting emission standards for reasons only they understand because the status quo kills their medium term profits
all the gabraments in the world brush aside and still pay only lip service to climate change...
major powers still insist that there is "insufficient proof" of global warming and therefore refuse to do anything about it..
a dam? watch the spin doctors spin it into something "beneficial" to the environment before they go shit all over it...
There are many rare and yet to discover species in the Xingu River and it is home to many MANY CITES protected species too
I've only got this to say - I'm so glad that I'm not a newborn because by the time the newborn grows up into an adult, the world would have become a more horrifying place with a more unscrupulous society.
My poor, poor baby niece...
Originally posted by Rhonda:I've only got this to say - I'm so glad that I'm not a newborn because by the time the newborn grows up into an adult, the world would have become a more horrifying place with a more unscrupulous society.
My poor, poor baby niece...
Pity Pinky Bear Cub coz sooner or later there will be one :x
You know what's scary - the only way to prevent my baby niece from becoming a tragic member of the populace is to ensure that she gets a headstart in life so that even if she's surrounded by unscrupulous people, she would have thought one step ahead of them and be able to surmount it all.
Scary... that one will have to become even more cunning to triumph over the cunning...
Originally posted by elindra:
Pity Pinky Bear Cub coz sooner or later there will be one :x
My heart bleeds for the to-be cub and all the other cubs of the world.
We don't know of a society where you have to fight to get food onto the plate, or slog our asses off just to feed ourselves and no more, but I think we're getting there sooner or later.
I think a lot of people have cubs because the world is so desolate, they need hope and joy... and they get it from watching their cubs grow up in the first few magical years. And then the cub goes into school and realises that there's something called 'homework', 'competition', and 'bullying'.
I still feel really really sorry for my baby niece!
Originally posted by Rhonda:My heart bleeds for the to-be cub and all the other cubs of the world.
We don't know of a society where you have to fight to get food onto the plate, or slog our asses off just to feed ourselves and no more, but I think we're getting there sooner or later.
I think a lot of people have cubs because the world is so desolate, they need hope and joy... and they get it from watching their cubs grow up in the first few magical years. And then the cub goes into school and realises that there's something called 'homework', 'competition', and 'bullying'.
I still feel really really sorry for my baby niece!
You know what is scary
We have no cubs and we are already talking about the plans and steps we will take if we have a cub >.<"
Coz yes it gets worse as the days go by
But who knows, if that Brazilian Prophet is correct, the world will end very soon :P
Originally posted by elindra:
You know what is scaryWe have no cubs and we are already talking about the plans and steps we will take if we have a cub >.<"
Coz yes it gets worse as the days go by
But who knows, if that Brazilian Prophet is correct, the world will end very soon :P
Just flip to the Bible, very last book - Revelations. Things happening now had already been predicted centuries ago, and one-by-one, it's all coming true!
We ARE on the cusp of worse to come.
Like it or not, there will be a food shortage driven mainly by climate changes affecting crop yield. There will be a world leader who'll rise up to the challenge of providing food for the world because he will come up with some manner of irrigating the vast desert lands for agriculture, thus propelling him to power and fame.
And it has also been predicted that China will be the next world superpower, overtaking USA.
All this and more in the old Book of Revelations.