i'm lost
Originally posted by elindra:i'm lost
Erm... I think the gist of the message is that everyone's trying to tell av how abnormal he is!
Ferret and Meow Meow
Ferret hiding from Meow Meow
Poor Ferret! No wonder you have sleeping problems now!
Sigh... too bad no overtime in this fortnight's paycheck.
Just four hours of overtime gives me almost AUD180 more pre-tax! I hope that there'll be more overtime coming my way!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Sigh... too bad no overtime in this fortnight's paycheck.
Just four hours of overtime gives me almost AUD180 more pre-tax!
I hope that there'll be more overtime coming my way!
gd to have ot but got to take care of your health.
It's an early Winter this year.
Everytime I wash my hands, the water is freezing cold and it takes time to heat up. Most times I save water by washing them in the freezing cold water anyways. I noticed that everytime I do so, I end up having to pee... because it's just so darn bloody cold!
OK... erm... interesting fact about Winter...
Originally posted by zoragirl:gd to have ot but got to take care of your health.
Thanks, but working overtime or taking up extra shifts is very common amongst nurses here. The extra money is simply too attractive at times.
Move on over to the Night Owls Chatterboxes liao!
Originally posted by Rhonda:It's an early Winter this year.
Everytime I wash my hands, the water is freezing cold and it takes time to heat up. Most times I save water by washing them in the freezing cold water anyways. I noticed that everytime I do so, I end up having to pee... because it's just so darn bloody cold!
OK... erm... interesting fact about Winter...
Or you could collect the water in a wee bucket under the tap while waiting for it to warm up.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Or you could collect the water in a wee bucket under the tap while waiting for it to warm up.
And then? There's nothing I will use the water for. In winter, only warm water's really needed. I don't need that much freezing cold water for washing.
Originally posted by elindra:i'm lost
don't be. the smileys mean the 2 of them will be floating down kallang river soon
I will be very happy with fat fat
*me mysteriously appears in a puff of smoke*
I watched Iron Man last night.
It's not a bad movie, though it still doesn't quite reach the level of the Spider-Man and X-Men movies.
I also caught the last part after the credits.... simply put, if you're not a Marvel fanboy, you wouldn't be able to understand what that scene is all about.
just cleared up my first pile of doggie poo ....... wat fun ! .....
Originally posted by Fatum:
just cleared up my first pile of doggie poo ....... wat fun ! .....
you better start toilet training the dog
and... pics!! we want pics!!
but no flash photography... spooks the dog and wrecks the developing eyes..
Originally posted by the Bear:ahahahahaha...
you better start toilet training the dog
and... pics!! we want pics!!
but no flash photography... spooks the dog and wrecks the developing eyes..
I tried with my hp cam ....
but she wouldn't keep still ......
and cookie's having hell of a time ..... the pup tried to play with it the whole night .... but cookie's frightened to death and keep hopping away ....
Originally posted by Fatum:I tried with my hp cam ....
but she wouldn't keep still ......
and cookie's having hell of a time ..... the pup tried to play with it the whole night .... but cookie's frightened to death and keep hopping away ....
forgot to tell you to keep them in separate cages for a while... get them used to each others' scent and presence before letting them together without barriers...
Originally posted by the Bear:
forgot to tell you to keep them in separate cages for a while... get them used to each others' scent and presence before letting them together without barriers...
both of them can't stand being caged up ....
we put the pup in a play pen for a while ... but she was howling her lungs out ..... so I removed the pen late last night, to save the sanity of my neighbours ...
she's a bit too young to be seperated from mommy actually ... actually 6 weeks old ... but no choice .... the owners had to give away all the pups by this week ..
well, hey.. good luck with the pooch.. play with it more.. let her into the house in your room? i think if that young, she'll require someone to replace mommy for a while.. and looks like you're it..
you're a daddy now!
how do the guys at customs find the cigarettes???? lol~
Originally posted by kopiosatu:how do the guys at customs find the cigarettes???? lol~
where? what?
oh.. i think our guys intercepted Mark Ong's package... or something...
*bored at home*
I can't wait to go to Chiang Mai next week, though.....
Originally posted by the Bear:
where? what?oh.. i think our guys intercepted Mark Ong's package... or something...
eh? really ah.