Happily booked the tickets to Lhasa 2 months before departure dates, all of us (6 photog) started reading and planning where we should go. A few of us started preparing like buying winter clothes, ration food, new backpack etc....
All are so eager until....14 March...Bloody Riot.... and we knew instantly, we had to kiss our Lhasa tickets goodbye...
5 of us are still persistent and decides to venture in to Sichuan provinces and moved towards West (where Lhasa)....
so we took the plane, and we set off on our uncertain journey...and it turns quite An Adventure...(EXCEPT THE FOOD).
We staggered to Changi airport at 5am...(all of us still yawning)...and took the 7am plane..reached Chengdu about 12noon plus..
out of Chengdu airport, we were at a lost.. wanted to take taxi to our tour agency.. the taxi pple there all say, THE AREA WAS CLOSED BECAUSE OF RIOT.. we went huh...bought a china phone card, called the agent and finally got a VAN-taxi driver and drove us there...
just going out or coming into the airport, the driver has to PAY TOLL..!!! (I thought our ERP system was bad enough).
the weather was very cold at about 8*C... and i winded down the window to take some pics....only to hear my photo kakis groaning...COLD HAH!!!!!
well, i am the only lady in the group, i had the ADVANTAGE of taking the front passenger seat...and take peektures.. hehehee..
after about 30mins ride, we reached the AREA...
true enough there were many...i say really many police cars, van, riot police bikes/heavy vehicles....with sirenlights on...many many policemen standing at about 10m from each other...
one police bike came to us and looked at us... we smiled...and the 2 police officers told the driver to alight us in front of our building... when we alight, the 2 officers see us walking safely into our building. We asked the agency in charge why, they say there were rioting for the past few days, they worried for the tourists and we may get hurt.
we felt ...uhum...protected. After which, we walked to our hotel, we felt ease actually. Police around watching us, Tibetan saw us as Chinese and malay tourists, smile to us and greet us... not too night we stood by the window at one of kaki room, we saw the police chasing tibetan monks,...and some tibetan young "gangster type" confronted the police and massive police escorted them away.
very courageous LF, very courageous
we went to shops and browse... many outdoor gear shops around... selling mountainous camping stuff and good winter clothes/gortex stuff...:) I bought a NorthFace Fleece jacket for S$50 only... saw almost similar one at Marina square the other day : S$300 ....wooh..
we were hungry...walked into their typical local eating house and we ordered too much..
roasted chicken
China century eggs...although only $1.20 .. but it is rubbery yucks.
This is YUMMY, PORK BELLY....hui guo ruo
Originally posted by Lin Yu:very courageous LF, very courageous
well, when we put our brightest smile, and i was playing with the babies/kids, they are kind to us also..
can see we are a bunch of tourists, so they are more relaxed with us..
i cant pose the pics of the PROTECTORs...sensitive lor..
but this is the 1st time, i see police officers, riot police officers with their full equipment and cars very 10m i walked...
kindda...errh..dunno how to describe..
that's it Day 1.... pretty boring....
i am sorting out my pictures still...i took 9K pics..of which 50% can throw..(trial and error), another 20% can throw (blur as i take pics in vehicle travelling on super bumpy snowy roads), another 10% cannot show (keep for something else), which leaves about 20% i can show on this forum... hehehe..
i am going to load pictures only...hehe..
must do description..
these are the Yu-Chai-Hua...where the fruits/seed etc are used for making chilli oil...and the oil cooked food....sure is yummy.
these flowers/field can be seen everywhere, along highway, at field, on high mountains.. only bloom in spring and last till summer.
Drove past during the highway up our next destination...
most of the pics are OPEN WINDOW, SNAP...and hopefully turns out oki as the van is going super highspeed.!
Lovely Textures on highland...air is fresh, and thin as well as we approaching high altitude...about 3,000m within a day, that is not actually advisable... tell u why later...
Saw the sakura...too nice, got our driver (we called him SI-FU) to stop van and took some pics..:)
We reached the hotel next to our 1st destination ..
it's called Hai Luo Guo...the 1st Glacier mountain I have seen.
in this beautiful resorty hotel, we come across more beautiful scenery, flowers and animals at the back, facing more mountains.
My 2 darling dogs...wish i can bring them home...
for tonight...
more to upload next day..
Originally posted by hisoka:are those dogs food for the night?
the dogs are fierce..but they are adorable...they were chained and barking at me...(may attack lor)
I stood standing near them and take pictures, after a while, they seems to understand and bor-chap me liao. The most fear tibetan dog (the black) one, decide to Sh!t and both just sat there and look at me occasionally.
the owner was surprised that the both dogs were okay with me..
btw, the above pics are pretty boring...
the nice ones are coming liao....tonight load more..
The dogs look very lovely and the photos are also lovely
Originally posted by elindra:The dogs look very lovely and the photos are also lovely
actually the 1st 2 days pics are the most boring... cos the sky is either grey, dark, or overcast or cloud...everything is grey, the building, the fog ... so the pics are almost all underexposed cos the cammy cannot take it...too bright, too grey sky, other subjects kana compensated.
worst, we can tell it from the lcd at the cammy, reflections!! arghh..come back see pics...siao liao... alot underexposed...
were these guided tour? Are these places of interest. a little description may help and stop being lazy or I'll make you tell me everyhing when we gather again...this time with all your photos.
not really guided tour, but we did engage a van and the driver to drive to our destinated places..
arghh...oki oki...description...i do lah..
oh yah, did we mentioned that the food consists of rice and watery congee and flat tasted cold vege and oil meat..
I lost almost 5kg and my friend (a fat guy) LOST 10 KGS...
but i gained back my 5kg in 1 week after i reach singapore.
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:oh yah, did we mentioned that the food consists of rice and watery congee and flat tasted cold vege and oil meat..
I lost almost 5kg and my friend (a fat guy) LOST 10 KGS...
but i gained back my 5kg in 1 week after i reach singapore.
Must be come back and stuff your face with food after being 'tortured' there.
Call me ks but if I go to places like that I will bring instant noodles and this travel cooker along :x
MPB went out to buy a travel cooker after his torture in Africa
He was kpkbing in India too so he ate his fav Diam Bryani everyday