Relatives who keep hounding you with endless questions about your lack of a significant other, or impending marriage, or impending children... Argh!!! Hope everyone survived the gauntlet.
the only ones who ask me annoying questions are my grandparents on my dad's side :roll:
every phone conversation goes like this
me: hi! how r u! happy birthday! (cos i usually oni talk to them when it's there birthday or some special occasion)
him/her: oh thank you! how r u doing in school?
me: doing ok. it's gd her....
him/her: (cuts in whithout letting me finish my sentence) study hard and get good grades ok. [goes into long lecture which is the same on EVERY conversation about how i need good grades to suceed in life and that i need to do better than my dad and be smarter than him and how i should AT LEAST get a masters degree blah blah blah]
me: (in my mind) @(*#(*&$*( #)(*@#$(*&!@_(*#@$ !!!!!!!!! (to him/her) er. oh. ok. i'll try.......
thank GOODNESS i dont have to call them this new year.
i avoided them again this year!
i think by now, they know i don't particularly like them
oh yah.. i also spent CNY asleep..
wonderful holiday so far
no hab dreaded relatives but imagine what people go through.
*makes mental note not to have the same conversation that udon had, with sonny.*
Yesterday, my dad's uncle was the first person ever to ask my sister if she had a boyfriend. And when the attention turned to me...let's just say I don't take certain kinds of teasing too kindly.
I'm thankfu there;re like 6 boys older then me so it won't be my turn anytime soon.
Heng me kena abit nia.
"wah u so big alrdy"
"OMG~! Ur hair so long! WHY?"
"Wah u look so diff"
Heng nvr ask why me no gf.
Relatives ? what relatives ?
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:It’s nice having nosy relatives several time zones away.
Agreed!! Although I'm quite the black sheep of the family because I asserted my independance by moving out at the age of 21 and then disappearing altogether for more than 5 years thereafter, so my relatives know better than to antagonise me because they know that the black sheep can just lift her hind hoofs and kung-fu kick their front teeth out!
Also, owing to the sheer erm... intimidating 'bulk' of the black sheep, black sheep can also stampede them to death, single-hoofedly!
Anyways, don't run away screaming... I'm actually quite gentle one! Most of my relatives are polite and tactful. And of those who do ask, I know one of them is genuinely concerned for me.
All said, it's really awesome to be a looong way away from my parents! No nagging, no silent treatment when they are displeased, no need to be accountable to anyone else, and no controlling mom imposing her opinions on me.
My parents and I love each other deeply... when we're oceans apart!
Hmm parents grandma and auntie i love to bits
and my brother and his wifey too
but some relatives... not tt i don't like them ba
but just nothing to say to each other at times
and sometimes i don't feel like making the effort to try
at all... when I feel sleepy and sometimes obliged to spend HOURS at one place
also dunno for what, u wait for me i wait for u...
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:Hmm parents grandma and auntie i love to bits
and my brother and his wifey too
but some relatives... not tt i don't like them ba
but just nothing to say to each other at times
and sometimes i don't feel like making the effort to try
at all... when I feel sleepy and sometimes obliged to spend HOURS at one place
also dunno for what, u wait for me i wait for u...
Wah... have to stay for HOURS?! Can be quite uncomfortable if you're not close to them!
Times like these, the TV is an invaluable object!
sigh yaloh. but tt particular place, TV not turned on then I paisay to turn it on
heng i got my pda, and decided to concentrate on reading instead. Let my hubby entertain them.
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:It’s nice having nosy relatives several time zones away.
Times like this, I really miss my mother the most. I don't care about any other relative. Just having my mother share the occasion with me and my family, that would be the best feeling.
no sweat...
duno why this yr so many asked me whether im going to further studies.
so far, no one asked whether i have a bf.. they asked my sis first. Nobody will ask me until she get married i think. muahahaha..
Duno why this yr feel v tired tho.. no matter sleep how many hours..still feel v tired wan..
didn't kena pestered this year though
I thought i got used to "So Uni after NS ... which course??" ... I was totally stumped when this distant relative of mine asked ... I was pretty stumped, cos, how in the hell would u say Social Science, in chinese ... haizz ...
Originally posted by sbst275:didn't kena pestered this year though
Pester you for what? You have kids already.
Originally posted by stellazio:Pester you for what? You have kids already.
Hanor! Hanor!! sbst, I think the fact that they didn't ask you any questions means that they all think that two is really enough liao!
The more kids you have, the more ang pows they have to give out!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Hanor! Hanor!!
sbst, I think the fact that they didn't ask you any questions means that they all think that two is really enough liao!
The more kids you have, the more ang pows they have to give out!
Speaking of ang pows, are people generous this year?
Me kenna by my aunt and grandaunt on when to have kids and why kids are a joy to have.
She asked me why I don't want to have kids and I told her straight because I find them a burden and there is no one to look after anyway since both of us are working there is no one to look after the baby too.
Parents are busy with work, my In-laws are faraway and the health of my MIL isn't that great and she can't even walk properly. Both of us need to travel for work too.
And although I don't like kids, if I have one, I sure don't want to leave it with a babysitter or maid!!!!
My dad tried to hint to me he wants a grandchild to play with by saying my baby niece is so cute and adorable (she is btw and not as naughty like her sisters) I told him that he can tell my cousin that he wants Liv to be his god daugther so that he can bring her out and play anytime.
MPB later told me if there is a will, there is way. I told him to give me the solutions to our problems and we can talk about it. Btw we have not planned for our honeymoon yet. HAHAHAHA
Everyone keep joking about how dark I am.....a bit fed-up already.
after being away for the past few years, there were a quite few additions to the extended family that I saw only for the first time this CNY .... so I'd be bouncing a youngling on my lap and asking "so who does this baby belongs to har ? " ....