Let us ask our Lord to bless those young men and women who are discerning their vocation so that they may be generous and at peace.
Topic: Children of Light!
November 5, 2004
Friday of the Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time
Luke 16:1-8
Jesus said to his disciples, "A rich man had a steward who was reported to him for squandering his property. He summoned him and said, ´What is this I hear about you? Prepare a full account of your stewardship, because you can no longer be my steward.´ The steward said to himself, ´What shall I do, now that my master is taking the position of steward away from me? I am not strong enough to dig and I am ashamed to beg. I know what I shall do so that, when I am removed from the stewardship, they may welcome me into their homes.´ He called in his master´s debtors one by one. To the first he said, ´How much do you owe my master?´ He replied, ´One hundred measures of olive oil.´ He said to him, ´Here is your promissory note. Sit down and quickly write one for fifty.´ Then to another he said, ´And you, how much do you owe?´ He replied, ´One hundred kors of wheat.´ He said to him, ´Here is your promissory note; write one for eighty.´ And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently. "For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.”
Introductory Prayer:How is it, Lord, that you never tire of my coming to me? Am I not the same each day, with the same petitions, the same sins? But, that would be unfair to say because I know that you are truly transforming me. I am coming to you day in and day out to accompany you, to be transformed, and I know that you are not intimidated by my weaknesses, smallness or distractions. Your grace is always effective. Lord, transform me! Make me into your apostle, holy and courageous, always doing your will. Thank you for the graces you will give me in this meditation.
Petition:Grant me the grace, Lord, of a passionate heart for my mission.
1. Children of Light! In this passage, Christ sets the children of the world in contraposition to the children of light. Who are the children of light? Evidently they are those who follow the Light, namely Jesus Christ. The children of light have come into the Light of Christ and they see. As long as Christ is in the world there is light (Cfr John 9:5). And how is Christ present in the world today? He is in the world inasmuch as we carry him as children of light. Like Moses who spoke face-to-face with God, the children of the light, on finishing their meditation, their time with Christ, should shine as light for the world. If you are what you should be you will set the whole world ablaze! If you pray as you should pray, you will light up the world.
2. Your Turn to Deal! It seems like Christ is challenging his listeners to outdo the children of this world. He states that the children of the world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation. What about us? How are we, as the children of light, dealing with the present generation? What are we to do with this present generation? Save it. How do we do this? Prudently. We need to be astute. We need to evaluate how we can most effectively bring souls to Christ and re-evangelize the culture, re-Christianize it. But, of course, this is not an easy task and it implies a risk. As Legionary of Christ founder Fr Marcial Maciel writes: “Preaching the Gospel has always entailed a grave risk. Today is no exception. To be an apostle means endangering your reputation and status, and even your life; it means leaving your comfort zone and not fearing to be labeled as crazy or a dreamer. This doesn’t unsettle the true apostle. He knows he is running a risk, but he is sure of what he is reaping. As St Paul said, ‘I know who it is that I have put my trust in’ (2 Timothy 1:12). An apostle’s worry is to be faithful to Christ, faithful to his command to announce the Gospel” (Christ Is My Life, p. 263).
3. Possessing the Ideal! In order to accomplish this we need to first possess the ideal of Jesus Christ. Our hearts must be full of him. Nemo dat quod non habet, says the Latin refrain: “No one gives what he does not have.” Therefore, we must be filled with Christ. Fr Maciel reflects on what possessing this ideal entails: “The ideal involves the insight of your intelligence and the energy of your will, and propels you out of yourself to obtain a goal, committing your entire person. The ideal carries within its own transforming energy and vigor; it enables you to face the greatest sacrifices with joy” (Letter, September 3, 1989). Christ is our ideal. Christ is our light. Possessing Christ will in turn bring us to deal astutely with our present generation and bring it to Christ’s light.
Dialogue with Christ: Thank you, Lord, for this time of meditation. You choose to give me this opportunity day after day. There are so many souls hustling through this world without knowing where they are going and without enjoying your friendship as I do. I know, Lord, that you want me to be a bridge for you to reach those souls. I do not know if they are many or few that you want to reach through me, but I think they are many. My heart is ready, O Lord. Fill me with apostolic zeal, with a passionate love for my mission. Fill me so that I will be able to fill others with you.
Resolution: After reflecting on my efforts in the apostolate, I will ask Christ for the grace of being as astute as possible, seeing whether there is something more I can do to carry out my apostolic work.
Father Michael Goodyear, LC