As you may know, Pope Benedict XVI is about to embark on a pilgrimage tour in the Holy Land in a mission of peace and reconciliation. His Holiness defined his pilgrimage to the Holy Land as a visit to the birthplace of the Christian faith.
The Pontiff’s pilgrimage will take him to Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem, and will take place between May 11th and May 15th 2009.
In order to provide Catholics around the world with as much information as possible regarding the pope visit, the Ministry of tourism has set up a website that will cover all the planned pilgrimage details, and supply news and updates on the pope visit to the Holy Land in real-time.
you may view the website here:
There is also a short video that has been produced with respect to pilgrimage to the holy land:
All are welcome to visit our website, watch the video, and ask us any questions regarding holy land pilgrimage!
Thank you for your time and attention,
Michal Moreno