CHURCH OF STS. Peter and Paul is having their annual Holy Infant Jesus Novena 2008 from Dec 16-25. The theme this year is “Give Birth To Jesus In Your Life”.
Church of St. Francis Xavier Christmas Outreach Project this year involves the youths of the parish, together with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, adopting some needy families and elderly living in one-room flats. These have indicated their Christmas wishes on tags which have been hung on the Christmas tree in front of the church. Parishioners are invited to participate in the outreach by sponsoring one of the gifts for these familes.
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Teochew and Chinese Choirs, together with Chinese choirs from Churches of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Holy Family and Risen Christ will be singing Christmas carols and having a harmonica and violin performance at the parish on Sunday Dec 21, from 7.30-9.30pm.
St. Anneʼs Church has an Advent Jesse Tree at the front of the church. Parishioners are encouraged to write a prayer, a thanksgiving, or a wish on a piece of coloured paper provided and hang them on a tree. The parish Advent project is raising funds for the Montfort Youth Training Centre in Sabah, East Malaysia.
The parish is also organising a Christmas Carols Delight on Saturday Dec 20, a concert by the parish choirs with carolling and a hand bells performance. Church of St. Anthony has a three-fold Advent project. It is divided into Advent for individuals, where individuals are guided over a four-week period by parish priest Father Terence Pereira with prayers and reflections; Advent for Families, where families are prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus with a specially tailored programme – the Making of the Jesse Tree; and a three-week Advent for CNCs (Catholic Neighbourhood Communities).
Church of the Holy Spirit will be having a parish family event on Saturday Dec 13 with a talk, a time for healing for the family, family Mass, followed by fellowship dinner. There will also be a lunch-time Christmas Carolling at Thomson Plaza with the aim of evangelising the meaning of Christmas to passers-by.
St. Joseph Church (Bukit Timah) will be carolling in the homes of parishioners and friends to raise funds for Boysʼ Town. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour will be giving a HOPE ribbon to each family as their Advent project. Each family is encouraged to affirm the people around them.
Church of Divine Mercy Planning Committee will be presenting each construction worker building the new church building with a hamper consisting of basic necessities such as condensed milk, toothpaste, etc, as a token of appreciation for their work.
Parishioners of Church of the Holy Trinity are encouraged to contribute to this project by donating these items or contributing a love offering.
Blessed Sacrament Church will be having their parish carnival 2008 “Carnival in Bethlehem” on Sunday Dec 14, from 9.00am to 2.00pm at the parish grounds.
Church of St. Mary of the Angels has, for their Advent project, embarked on a journey to learn more about the work of Franciscans International (FI) and how they work – in the offices of the United Nations – for change in the lives of the the vulnerable and the poor. Each week of Advent features a case study of how FI works to confront the systemic problems in development, the environment, human rights, and peacemaking in the developing nations of Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America.