The third fatima secret from the Mary apparition in 1917 in Portugal
What do you think?
Please non Christian (non believer) repect other people's belief. Don't be rude.
While I am unable to confirm the relation of the three days of darkness with the fatima from any official source (CMIIW), three days of darkness has been mentioned quite often by Catholic mistic saints throughout the ages. The time also cannot be confirmed.
While the Church does not oblige us to believe prophecies from the mistic saints, the Church does recognized the holiness of the mistic saints. This is good enough for me for not taking it lightly.
That is my opinion.
Well I never heard about the three days darkness anywhere. I just found out about it from that clip. But I've serahed and got a few other different sited on the topic.
I guess, if we constantly prepare ourselves, we need not worry to much or be afraid. God will decide when the time will come and we just need to do our part regardless whether this is coming very soon or much later.