I am a PhD student from Nanyang Technological University School of
Communication and Information (Singapore), and am doing a paper on how media
convergence has established a new sphere for religious participation for
churches, and the future potential of using new media as a new dimension for
religious communication.
I hope that you could help me by answering a few essential questions that will
be very useful for the research.
These are the questions:
1. In your knowledge, what are the different media platforms that your church
has used to spread teachings, deliver viewing of rituals or services, or
conduct prayers/learning sessions? (Examples of media platforms are mobile
device, cable TV, satellite TV, IPTV, and the Internet).
2. Does your church provide live video/audio streaming of religious activities
or engage interactive media to engage member’s participation? Please elaborate.
3. Do you know whether your church has adopted different media platforms to deliver the same piece of contents? If so, please provide with examples.
4. What do you think of the idea of conducting service, rituals and blessings
over the Internet through different media?
5. What do you think of the idea of having religious participation facilitated
by media (Examples are online participation of rituals or attending a service
by viewing a TV screen)?
6. Have you ever viewed any live webcast/broadcast of rituals? If so, do you
consider yourself as an observer or participant of the rituals? And, why?
7. Do the senses of taste, smell, touch and feelings of the environment play an
important role in the practice of the religion? And, why?
8. Do you think it is possible to perceive energy such as blessing and healing
power via media platforms (An example is receiving healing power from them by
putting a hand on a TV screen)? Have you experienced that before? Please
9. Do you think it is possible for followers to perceive the “charisma” of
religious leaders via media platforms? Have you experienced that before? Please
10. In your opinion, what are the strengths/limitations of using media as a
sacred/holy space for religious participation?
Name (Optional):
Age (Optional):
Name of church (Optional):
Role/Position in the church:
Email address (Optional):
Thank you!
Beverly Low