Originally posted by dumbdumb!:maybe u pm him better la. i think these are personal, then maybe u can talk to him more, find out what actually happened. maybe it was a misunderstanding etc.
like me and my youth leader.
also, an apology shouldn't be mixed with telling the offended person how he should have acted. treat it as 2 seperate issues, and don't belittle that apology. the purpose of the apology is to bring peace to the offended and the offender.
don't mix with other issues, if you want it to be sincere.
tts how i feel again.
Cool, noted.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
i am no catholic too. i come from an anglican school.i know of many catholics from st.peter st. paul, st joseph and cathedral of good shepherd, they are all pretty nice folks. many of them encourage me to convert to catholicism, but i didn't because i believe that the most important is what dwells within, not what you believe.
no point having vengeful thoughts and at the same time preaching his gospels.
hmm.. anglican abit the same as catholic right? except without certain practices. they're more solemn and stuff too, compared to charismatic movements.
I would like to thank some of you guys for your positive comments here.I have certainly move on but not in the direction of the Catholic Church as my family wishes,to me it is like they prefer Taxi and I still ride on the MRT but at the end of the day we all meet at the same destination.
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:tts right., though i dunno what that has to do with what i said. lol.
I was hijacking the thread for my own purpose lah.... sgforums smileys would make people suicidal if they use them too often.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:I would like to thank some of you guys for your positive comments here.I have certainly move on but not in the direction of the Catholic Church as my family wishes,to me it is like they prefer Taxi and I still ride on the MRT but at the end of the day we all meet at the same destination.
hmm.. i disagree to that statement la, but.. that's another story, for another time.
just curious, what have your decided on anyway?
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:hmm.. i disagree to that statement la, but.. that's another story, for another time.
just curious, what have your decided on anyway?
dumbdumb I didnt know that you can be this serious when it comes to religion but I am sure you are a good christian and I thank you for your advice and opinion.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:dumbdumb I didnt know that you can be this serious when it comes to religion but I am sure you are a good christian and I thank you for your advice and opinion.
of course i'm serious. i don't "play" christian, i don't wear the christian tag like some cheap shirt, useful only for writing something down in the religion column during resume.
haha, but what hv you decided on?
I've decided on fighting global warming instead>LOL.Ok to be honest I must say that I recently I dont follow any religion in particular and have become somewhat agnostic.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:I've decided on fighting global warming instead>LOL.Ok to be honest I must say that I recently I dont follow any religion in particular and have become somewhat agnostic.
haha, ah ok. took like 3 posts to pry that from you.
happy now? LOL
Originally posted by Short Ninja:happy now? LOL
of course! curiosity is like that. it's like an itch between the shoulder blade, which you can't reach.
i have no idea what agnostic means.. but, in wiki, it is defined that agnotistics believe that some things will never be known.
but i think i will challenge that, because the bible says in
Deuteronomy 4:29 - But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
So far.. Everytime i tell ppl that, they never get disappointed, but it's up to you to want to find the truth about God for yourself. But I believe definitely, that God will honour that small seeking faith. =)
Originally posted by Honeybunz:
July 1, 2008 |
Archbishop had a unique style
CATHOLICS here mourn the death of Archbishop Emeritus Gregory Yong, who led his flock well from 1977 to 2000 by his sterling example of humility, kindness and love.
Many will remember the late Archbishop Emeritus as a master in the art of homiletics (the art of preaching or writing sermons). His unique style of teaching church doctrines, by humorously asking 'true or false' questions, was simple, stimulating and effective. It did not fail to keep his congregation of all ages engaged and captivated, even though his homily was usually more than 10 minutes. While the Catholic Church is saddened by the loss of this great shepherd, it also rejoices to know he has returned to his heavenly home.
Nelson Quah |
No more disputes about religion on this post, please. We get more than enough of that to last our lifetimes.
Originally posted by Honeybunz:While the Catholic Church is saddened by the loss of this great shepherd, it also rejoices to know he has returned to his heavenly home.
Returned to his heavenly home?
That's supposed to be some bad joke? Actually it's not biblical at all.
He's not in heaven but he descended to the kingdom of death awaiting the time when Christ raise the deads. Now he is in a state likened to sleeping. He no longer aware of anything including of himself, God and time. If Jesus were to resurrect him back to this world, he would have thought he was just sleeping.
Arrggh like I thought many Catholics have no idea what awaits them after they die...the Protestant have a better idea at least the ones I know of. Don't be fooled by the meaning of death so you won't be fooled in your life. I too was once fooled. No man would see God at least immediately after he died. There are exemptions but those are very rare. Very rare so that it's almost not possible. Don't be fooled thinking death is just another transition to another life. Death is a punishment that God gave to mankind for disobeying Him. The consequence is still very much valid to this day. God wasn't kidding when He punished Adam and Eve. Death is serious.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:Returned to his heavenly home?
That's supposed to be some bad joke? Actually it's not biblical at all.
He's not in heaven but he descended to the kingdom of death awaiting the time when Christ raise the deads. Now he is in a state likened to sleeping. He no longer aware of anything including of himself, God and time. If Jesus were to resurrect him back to this world, he would have thought he was just sleeping.
That is not Catholic doctrine. Are you sure you are one?
Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:That is not Catholic doctrine. Are you sure you are one?
ya boy. sounds weird siah.
Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:That is not Catholic doctrine. Are you sure you are one?
I'm very sure I'm Catholic. I used to have an incorrect concept on death too.
There are couples of lines in the liturgy that support this and from the bible aswell.
This is but one of them "Remember those who died with the hope of being risen..."(The dead would not be able to remember God so this words are spoken by the living instead)
Jesus descended into the kingdom of death(a place where the faithful dead await for the Lord to rise them up) for three days and this is said in the liturgy each week.
The bible says that Jesus promised us to rise us on the last day( 3 times each in Matthew, mark, Luke and John). And it's not the last day we see the world. Read what Martha said when Jesus spoke that Lazarus was not dead.
Remember the apostles were all Jews and Jesus the Lord came not to break the laws but to perfect it.
Read about Lazarus and Jairus' daughter who were being resurrected by Jesus. Jesus said they were sleeping when the fact was that they were dead. When His disciples didn't get it Jesus used the plain word: Lazarus is dead.
This word describes it best: RIP
There are exemptions however but most people would descend to the kingdom of death awaiting being risen on the last day. All the dead would descend to this world that Jesus referred as the kingdom of death.
However some of the apostles believe that when a man share the spirit of Jesus he would be risen. Though there was no mention when. But probably we can safely assume it is immediately just like Jesus(3 days).
Most people however would descend to the kingdom of death until the last day.
It seems that I cannot add link so paste this over your browser
It's on eternal hope.
Aye. Dies Irae, anyone?
Originally posted by Ariedartin:Aye. Dies Irae, anyone?
Well I have to guess what you wrote. Dead already anyone? Is that it.
But if that is what you wrote then Saw God already anyone? No? Then there is no God.
Saw Jesus as a God already anyone?(though I have)
Ever seen a submarine submerged at 200m anyone? If not don't believe there is such capability.
I have a testimonial book titled the torn veil.
A sister of a this incredibly strong in spirit Christian had been dead for 14 hours. She finally arose from her death. Everyone was afraid and asked(the doctor) how could you be alive as you were dead and she spoke don't be afraid I wasn't dead I was just sleeping. In my sleep I had a dream that as I put my foot on a ladder on the top of the ladder there was a man in a robe whose forehead shone and was wearing a crown. He spoke: I'm Jesus King of kings, I will send you back and at the appointed time you will return here.
Now the dead spoke that she was sleeping(she thought she was sleeping). Remember she had no awareness of time. She had been dead for 14 hours and the 'dream' lasted only about a few minutes. The last few mintues before she rose from her death.
In the book of Job, Job mentioned that he would be raised on the end of time(last day) too
I'm writing this so that those whose view of death is distorted(and who refused to see the truth about death as I did) realize the true importance of life. Death is no life at all. God didn't kid when He warned Adam and Eve that they would die if they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Death above all is not a transition to another life. So pursue your salvation with rigor while you are still alive so that the Lord may rise you on the last day.
I can understand that many people would refuse to believe this decend to the kingdom of death until the Lord rise the dead on the last day because I too once of them. It's especially not inconvenient and disheartening to think a beloved dead 'perishing' in the kingdom of death. We all would like to think that our beloved deads are now with God in heaven. But don't worry the faithful and God's chosen people would be risen even on the last day. And since the dead has no awareness of time at all it would not be felt as a long time. Jesus spoke that He is coming soon though it has been 2000 years but be sure that Jesus is indeed coming.
God bless, have a terrific week.
ps: I don't understand about ghosts.......but I believe Jesus is God and Jesus never lied.
"Dies Irae" refers to the Day of Wrath, or Judgment Day.
I've checked the Catechism of the Catholic Church and it does not speak of it that way. Read Part 1, Section 2, Articles 11 and 12.
It appears that we are all incorrect on both counts. There is both a Particular Judgement and a Final Judgement. Every person undergoes Particular Judgement upon death, and is thereby judged to proceed into Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell, where they will spend their time until the day of the Final Judgement. At the Final Judgement, every person - whether dead or alive - is brought before Jesus Christ to be perfectly judged. While the living are delivered their judgement, the souls of dead shall be reunited with their bodies and continue to be sent to the domain they were previously judged to enter - Heaven or Hell. Those in Purgatory at the time of the Final Judgement are directly released into Heaven.
In particular, the concept of a 'soul slumber' till Final Judgement is a heresy hailing from the domain of the Hypnopsychites. A 'kingdom of death' for the souls would roughly translate to a state of temporary destruction, and that again is a heresy, this time of the Thnetnopsychites. These deny the existence of the Particular Judgement upon death, and are hence contradictory to the Church's theology. For a possible explanation for the 14 hours of 'sleep', one might like to look at the Eastern Orthodox position that Particular Judgement occurs on the fortieth day after death, offering a short term of so-called 'slumber', but not in the indefinite sense that the Hypnopsychites hold to. Alternatively, one might also like to draw parallels with the teaching that the seven days of creation were not literal 24-hour periods, but rather eras. Is it not possible that a few minutes in divinity could well occupy 14 hours on earth?
Is the archbishop the highest rank in the Catholic hierarchy? So Singapore is counted as a diocese and Malaysia has also its own archbishop? It's quite interesting to learn different about leaders of different religion..so i got some questions...why do some archbishops have different dresses..for example Singapore's archbishop is dressed in bright purple/magenta while the archbishop of canterbury in black robe with purple "belt"...and also, the mitres are different..
Originally posted by Ariedartin:It appears that we are all incorrect on both counts. There is both a Particular Judgement and a Final Judgement. Every person undergoes Particular Judgement upon death, and is thereby judged to proceed into Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell, where they will spend their time until the day of the Final Judgement. At the Final Judgement, every person - whether dead or alive - is brought before Jesus Christ to be perfectly judged. While the living are delivered their judgement, the souls of dead shall be reunited with their bodies and continue to be sent to the domain they were previously judged to enter - Heaven or Hell. Those in Purgatory at the time of the Final Judgement are directly released into Heaven.
In particular, the concept of a 'soul slumber' till Final Judgement is a heresy hailing from the domain of the Hypnopsychites. A 'kingdom of death' for the souls would roughly translate to a state of temporary destruction, and that again is a heresy, this time of the Thnetnopsychites. These deny the existence of the Particular Judgement upon death, and are hence contradictory to the Church's theology. For a possible explanation for the 14 hours of 'sleep', one might like to look at the Eastern Orthodox position that Particular Judgement occurs on the fortieth day after death, offering a short term of so-called 'slumber', but not in the indefinite sense that the Hypnopsychites hold to. Alternatively, one might also like to draw parallels with the teaching that the seven days of creation were not literal 24-hour periods, but rather eras. Is it not possible that a few minutes in divinity could well occupy 14 hours on earth?
What about Job what I wrote I have found to be the belief of Jews as well. What about what Martha said to Jesus when Jesus spoke that Lazarus was alive.
Martha replied something like this: I know that the Lord will rise him up as He rise the deads on the last day.
What you wrote in the bold text where in the bible does it say so?
The dead are not in divinity. The deads are not aware of time. Jesus mentioned the kingdom of death many many times. So you were saying the dead slept in divinity. If she were in heaven why did she said she was sleeping? So in heaven we all would be sleeping. That's illogical and nonsense.
Soul slumber is not a heresy. It's biblical and it's Jewish. What you wrote is heresy if not based on the bible. So pls point where in the bible you wrote what you wrote. I will poin again where in the bible I wrote what I wrote.