Has any catholic written a letter to the Archbishop for an indult for a Tridentine Mass?
many times already. the problem is finding a priest who is willing to say it, who is not afraid of getting dirty stares from his fellow priests.
I read thatif your request has failed, u can write a letter to Cardinal Hoyos (and attached it with your bishop reply) and he will attempt to convince your bishop to grant you an indult.
Send a copy of your letter and your BishopÂ’s reply to:
His Eminence Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos
President Commission Ecclesia Dei
Piazza del SantÂ’ Uffizio 11
00120 Vatican City, Italy, Europe
Respectfully request the Traditional Latin Mass every Sunday in the parish churches, according to the decrees of the Holy Father. There is no need in this letter to criticize or to complain about liturgical abuses. There are priests ready and willing to say the Latin Mass