Originally posted by pretzel:
Can I just be a good person? I know Jesus sacrificed himself and everything, but it doesn't do me any good because I don't know how true all these stories and legends are. Don't tell me to have faith for I have none. I just want to bring good to the people around me and go to heaven if there is one.
1. What would be the criteria for determining what a 'good person' is?
If there is heaven, then admission must have some criteria, logically speaking. It can't be the case that one decides that he/she is 'good enough' and thus gain admission, for otherwise everyone can simply think his way into heaven. There has to be some external evaluation and judgement.
Hence the question is whether or not you are able to know with any degree of certainty that your actions have been 'good'. Since you, like most of us, do not have perfect foresight nor complete control over things in life, your actions, however well intentioned, may have adverse consequence which you fail to foresee. This again introduces uncertainty about how 'good' one's actions are. And on the balance, I submit that it is easier to verify the claims of Christ than to know for sure how 'good' one's actions are.
If there is no heaven, doing good or not would make no difference, since you and the people around you would die in any case.
2. Central to the Christian position is that the claims made by Jesus are verifiable, and has been done so for 2000 years by different people in different times and places, of different backgrounds, intellect etc.
If this concerns heaven, and hence eternal joy, whatever effort put in to investigate the claims of Christianity would potentially have a 'return on investment' of inifinity. So, what's your excuse for not making the effort?