God bless! Pls kindly and urgently pray for the family of Lawrence Lim and baby Erica Ruth Lim.
"My name is Lawrence Lim. I am the father of a premature baby, Erica Ruth Lim, currently in NICU (Neo-natal ICU) and tiny at 27+ weeks (1.1kg). So far, there are no major complications.... thank God.
Please help pray for Erica Ruth, that she will be able to grow from strength to strength and that the Lord's Love and Mercy will sustain her. We also pray that Erica Ruth will come to know the Lord at an early age and be the living testimony of God's great Love for us.
I have also seen the other babies in the NICU.... they are all fighting for their lives. Please remember them in your prayers too.
Pls pray for the following other intentions in my family and the Gan's family:
1. The speedy recovery of Gan Mun Eng, who is recovering from breast cancer.
2. The speedy recovery of Micheal Gan, who is recovering from colon cancer
3. The speedy recovery of Luana Lim (my dear wife), who is recovering from her delivery
4. The special intentions of the Gan family
5. The special intentions of the Lim family
Hmm.. you should start an intercessors group or something..
God bless!
a. Lawrence Lim requests, in addition to praying for his 1.1kg baby Erica Ruth Lim's recovery in the NICU and the recovery of his wife, Luana Lim, kindly also pray for baby Aarsheeya Agarwal, dangerously ill in NICU, bcos of intestinal problem requiring surgery: Pls pray for the child.
b. Pls pray for Chiu Foong and the soul of her husband, Thian Lye, who died 2 days ago of prostrate cancer.
c. Dolores requests healing and strengthening prayers for her nephew Algene, son of her sister,Adelaine. He just had a very expensive but successful drug treatment for his kidneys, lungs, heart and blood cells. Problem is treatment is long-term and financially draining. Algene has been asked to stop JC education for a while bcos of on-going treatments and he is depressed.