Hippolytus of Rome (c.170-c.236)Roman priest
Wrote against Sabellianism
Criticized Pope Callistus for lax policy of readmitting penitents to communion and may have been elected by a group of dissidents as a rival pope
Principal work is Refutation of all Heresies (discovered in the 19th cent.), which argues that all heresies derive from pagan philosophy
Historically important is his treatise The Apostolic Tradition (written c.215), which describes in detail the sacraments of ordination, baptism and the Eucharist
Feast day: August 13 (West) or January 30 (East)
Origen of Alexandria (c.185-c.254)Widely regarded as the most important theologian and biblical scholar of the early Greek church.
Born of Christian parents in Alexandria, Egypt
Father was martyred and Origen was prevented from also seeking martyrdom by his mother's intervention
Lived an ascetic life and legend has it that he castrated himself so he could teach women without scandal
Worked as a teacher in the Alexandrian catechetical school, an unordained preacher, and a prolific theological writer
Major work is the Hexapla, a synopsis of six versions of the Old Testament
Other works include the Stromateis (Miscellanies), On the Resurrection, On First Principles, On Prayer, and numerous commentaries and sermons
Origen's theology focused on the goodness of God and the freedom of mankind
Some of his teachings have been controversial, such as his suggestion of the preexistence of souls, the inferiority of the Son, and eventual salvation of all beings including Satan
He is regarded as a saint by some and a heretic by others, and was never canonized by the church. The eminent church historian Henry Chadwick puts it this way: "If orthodoxy were a matter of intention, no theologian could be more orthodox than Origen, none more devoted to the cause of Christian faith."
Tertullian (c.160-c.225)Born in Carthage, North Africa
First important Latin church father
Converted to Christianity sometime before 197 AD
Wrote numerous theological, moral, and polemical works, including Apology, The Soldier's Crown, On Penitence, On the Incarnation of Christ, Against Heretics, Against Marcion, and Against Praxeus
Was rigorous in his insistence on separation from pagan society and adherence to the faith under any circumstances
Though he made use of philosophy and rational argument, he is known for arguing that pagan philosophy has no place in the church: "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" and "It is certain because it is impossible."
Another famous quote is: "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."
Athanasius (c. 296-c.373)Bishop of Alexandria
Fought against any compromise with Arianism after the Council of Nicea (325 AD)
Was repeatedly deposed and exiled as the Arian party gained power, then restored to his position as the other side ascended
Finally restored in 366
Wrote On the Incarnation of Christ sometime before 318
Also wrote Life of Antony, making monasticism known to the West
Jerome (c.342-420)Born in Italy, lived for four years in Palestine as a hermit, was a secretary to Pope Damasus in Rome, then settled in Bethlehem in 386 to study and write
Translated the Bible from Greek to Latin (Vulgate)
Advocated for the exclusion of the Apocrypha from the canonical Old Testament
Tradition has Jerome helping a lion by removing a thorn from its paw, so he is often depicted with a lion in Christian art
Feast day: September 30