Many a time IÂ’ve heard Catholics ask why is it that the Christians (Protestants) believe in what they believe and do what they do, instead of the truth of the Catholic Church, and sometimes despite correcting their misconception and explaining Catholic beliefs and practices they still seem to be comfortable being Protestants. Let me attempt to share my perspective from my Protestant background, and my experience of having most of my friends being Protestants.
Put aside the major differences such as the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, praying to Mother Mary and the Saints, and common issues such as Christian services being more welcoming, dynamic and filled with the Holy Spirit etc. I think another major underlying reason is that many Protestants see and wish to believe that Christianity is a simple religion, it is as simple as believing that Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins and have gained salvation for us, that’s it. What puzzles the Protestants and they find it hard to accept is why are Catholics putting in place so many rituals, requirements and obligations which to them are meaningless and “obstacles” to God, making it such a “difficult” faith? Do most Catholics have answers for that? Do many Catholics fully understand the significance, meaning and appreciate the spirit of why we do certainthings and follow certain traditions?
Many a times Catholics follow and perform the obligations, traditions and practices blindly and out of habit without understanding the meaning of it all, literally blind faith. Worse, sometimes some apply and follow the practices so rigidly and in such an antagonistic manner without even first understanding the reason and meaning of those practices, and that completely missed the point and loses the spirit of it all. It may be even basic things like genuflecting, making the sign of the cross, abstaining meat on Fridays, confession etc etc.
It is human nature to want to choose an easier path, religion is no exception, especially in this modern society of instant gratification and good life, who would want to believe that we have to be like our suffering messiah, carry our cross and go through trials and persecutions when the other Protestant churches are preaching that we are already saved, believe and rejoice! Preaching your faith alone saves you, no need to follow so many rituals, obligations and man made requirements! But is it true that our faith alone (sola fide) saves us? If Catholics believe that, then we are no different from Protestants. Unlike the Protestants, Catholics believe that faith must come with good works (actions), but Protestants will then ask, if Catholics believe so, why is it then that the Protestants are doing more and greater works in social welfare, humanitarian and community services? Do you have satisfactory answers? Is our faith about belief or discipleship? Are we believers (believe and do nothing) or disciples (believe, follow and do)?
My point is, like it or not the Church is about the people. It is the people that makes up the Church, the Church is not about buildings and infrastructure. People form opinion and perception of the Church based on her people. If Catholics do not understand and appreciate the teachings, practices and traditions and do not practise what we preach, thereÂ’s no need to wonder why Protestants continue to believe in what they believe and do what they do. In many aspects they are doing a better job anyway!
Quek Hong Choon