Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
God bless! Kindly intercede for the following persons:
a. Barbara Yow, a scripture study participant, 4th stage cancer, nasopharynx, liver and bone,
b. Susanne, Cancer,
c. Ashley Koh, a young child, having grown tumour,
d. Evelyn Chong, a young lady with spreading cancer,
e. Don Heding, oesophageal cancer, recurring after more than 6 years cancerfree and miraculous healing, and his son, Brett Heding, for full recovery of testicular cancer,
f. Francis Da Silver, liver cirroshis, kidney failure now under dialysis, and multiple illnesses,
g. Winston Wong, 35 yrs old, below average intelligence,
h. Joe Yuri, leg nerve damaged by glass accident at work,
i. Eric Goh, non-believer and spouse praying for his conversion,
j. Chen May Lin - breast, colon cancer, liver and lymph nodes recovering from latest surgery (no religion before but now Anglican),
k.Susan Quay - enlarged lung cancer, spread to brain (Methodist - attends Wesley Methodist Church),
l. Freddy Ang, a newly commissioned scripture study facilitator, for employment,
m. Ben Wong, a scripture study participant, for additional part-time accounting or book-keeping works,
n. Faustina da Costa, a scripture study participant, recently diagnosed diabetes,
n. all sick and bodily weakened pastors, priests, religious and those in the ministries of the Word of God,
o. all persecuted Christians and Catholics,
p. for Muslim extremists for God's mercy and compassion to flow into them.
q. for conversions of our family members, relatives, friends and colleagues, neighours, etc, and
r. all those who have gone astrayed from the kingdom of God,
Pls print the names above and fold the list and keep it in yr wallets and handbags. Don't leave yr home without the list, 2 Cor 5:7.
Lord Jesus Christ, our Divine Physician, u tell us that u are The Holy, the Mighty, and the Immortal Healing Doctor, Mk 2:17, coming to heal the sick and the wounded. May it yr will that thru' the forgiveness of sins and yr compassionate, hear our request for quick and wholesome recovery and healing of the people we pray for.
May u also help those who are stricken with cancers, kidney failures, and other debilitating and terminal illnesses, depression and hopelessness and give them yr comforting healing touch. In the Gospels and Acts, thousands came just to touch yr garments, yr hands and yr body and they returned home healed. Not one whom u touch was not healed. So now Glorious Lord, Son of David, have mercy on those who cry out to u in their pain and sorrow, and answer their petitions for mery and healing. This we ask in yr Holy Name, Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Let us thank the Lord and pray for the continued safety and protection of Abdul Rahman, and all persecuted Christians:
VATICAN CITY, MARCH 26, 2006 ( Benedict XVI was one of many world leaders who appealed to the president of Afghanistan to spare the life of a man sentenced to death for converting to Christianity.
Officials today, in fact, said an Afghan court dismissed the case against Abdul Rahman, paving the way for his release as early as Monday. Muslim extremists, who have demanded death for Rahman, 41, as an apostate from Islam, warned the decision would trigger protests across Afghanistan.
3 Let us also praise and thank the Lord for almost instanteous fever healing of our newly commissioned Scripture Study co-fellow facilitator, Kathleen, when fellow facilitators spontaneously prayed for her on Sat. nite at the end of our party. The Lord is great indeed. Alleluia!