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Vatican mourns Pope John Paul II with mass in St Peter's square 
Date : 03 April 2005 1821 hrs (SST)
VATICAN CITY : Grief swept across the world Sunday as more than 100,000 people packed the Vatican's cobblestoned square and surrounding streets for a huge open-air mass in memory of Pope John Paul II, their "father and shepherd".
"It is true. Our soul is shaken by a painful event. Our father and shepherd, John Paul II has left us," said Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the dead pope's secretary of state, said at the mass concelebrated with dozens of cardinals.
"For 26 years he carried the Gospel of Christian hope to all the squares around the world, teaching everyone that our death is only a passage to the heavenly fatherland," said Sodano in his homily.
Sodano, present at the Pope's bedside as he passed away late Saturday, said the 84-year-old pontiff, who battled crippling illness for months, had died a serene death.
"I was a witness to this serenity as I stood praying by the agonizing Pope's bedside," said Sodano, straying from his prepared text.
"Serenity is the fruit of faith," he added.
The mass was celebrated in the square overlooked by the pope's apartment, where he passed away surrounded by aides at 21:37 pm (1937 GMT) the night before, and from where he made the last of his twice-weekly blessings to pilgrims last Wednesday.
The Polish-born Pope's name was greeted with tumultuous applause by the huge crowd at the beginning of the mass, attended by the entire Italian cabinet.
Choral music swept around the walls of the Renaissance basilica and the Apostolic Palace where the 84-year-old pontiff passed away surrounded by his closest aides.
The huge crowd of pilgrims filled the square and the broad avenue leading up to the Vatican, Via della Conciliazione.
A black woman wearing a bright orange traditional African dress stood by a white man wearing a mourning suit, both of them holding their hands clasped in front of them, their heads bowed in prayer.
During the mass the only sounds in the square were children fidgeting and the occasional cell phone which Italians are always reticent to turn off.
"For us Africans it is a day of great mourning," said the Archbishop of Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Laurent Monsengwo, who was among the mourners.
"For Africa it is as if the father of the Church had died," said the archbishop, although he said he was not worried about the future of the Church.
"The Church will continue, the Church cannot die," he said.
The mass was to be followed at noon by a Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) prayer which replaces the Angelus prayer traditionally said by the Pope.
Earlier, after a special cabinet meeting to discuss John Paul II's death, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi led his ministers to the mass.
The cabinet met earlier Sunday to finalise arrangements as Rome prepared to greet an expected two million pilgrims and world leaders for John Paul II's funeral later this week.
Across Rome, flags were at half mast on public buildings as Italy began the first of three days of mourning for the dead Pope.
A few thousand pilgrims had spent the entire night on the cobblestones, praying and singing, left over from a crowd more than 100,000 strong that had filled the square late Saturday on the news of the pontiff's demise.
Throughout the weekend, tributes expressed sorrow, but also gratitude for the Pope's unstinting battle for freedom.
Homage came from the strongly Roman Catholic regions of Latin America, Africa and much of Europe, as well as countries such as the United States, Britain, Israel and even communist China and Cuba.
Amid the grieving, there was speculation as to who will succeed John Paul II.
A highly ritualised election process will begin April 17 at the earliest in the form of a conclave of cardinals, who will lock themselves in the Sistine Chapel until a new pontiff is chosen.
Its archaic traditions, many dating back centuries, contrast with the modern style in which John Paul II's death was announced by the Holy See -- in a brief statement sent to journalists by e-mail after a mobile telephone text alert.
Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls later said the pope died after a bedside mass celebrated by aides during which he was given the last rites.
Italian media reports said the pontiff slipped away while holding the hand of his personal secretary, Polish Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz. His last word was said to be "amen".
His body, once embalmed, is to be taken to St Peter's Basilica on Monday afternoon for the faithful to file past in homage.
Cardinals are to hold a congregation Monday to plan the pontiff's funeral. He is to be buried between Wednesday and Friday. Italy's ANSA news agency, citing reliable sources, said it would take place Thursday at the earliest.
John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in four-and-a-half centuries, and the first from eastern Europe.
Born Karol Wojtyla in humble conditions in Poland, he became head of the Church in October 1978 at age 58 and set about imprinting his agenda and warm, communicative style on it.
Eschewing the pomp of predecessors, he won over crowds and statesmen alike with his commitment to peace and fighting poverty.
His support of the Solidarity trade union when it was banned in communist Poland was credited with helping start a chain reaction that led to the fall of the pro-Soviet regimes which had held half the continent in their thrall for 40 years.
But he also dismayed many followers with his deeply conservative views on sex and contraception in the age of AIDS.