Fireflies use their lights to attract mates. Every firefly species has its own flash pattern. The male Photinus pyralis, the most common species, flashes his yellowish light for a half a second while ascending and repeats about every seven seconds. The flightless females respond to these flashes from the ground or vegetation. The male knows a female of his species by the response time of her flash. The male then has to reach the female before another male that saw the flash, does. Then they can mate!
poon cho tang
chey...i thot got more rhinoceros
Huh? This got anything to do with horny ma?
poon cho tang
Originally posted by _Aaron_:
Huh? This got anything to do with horny ma?
victim no 2!
Originally posted by poon cho tang:
victim no 2!
not victim lah ..... this is not MOSquito trap u know
Bright fireflies turn the mangroves and swamp area into cheery Christmas trees.