Gryffindor House:Head: Professor Minerva McGonagall
Colors: red and gold
Animal: lion
Founded by: Godric Gryffindor
Ghost: Sir Nicholas deMimsy-Porpington ( "Nearly Headless Nick")
Characteristics: Gryffindors are known for their courage
Location: Gryffindor Tower, entrance on the seventh floor
The entrance is located behind a large painting of a Fat Lady in a pink silk dress. If you know the right password to tell her, she swings open to reveal a round opening in the wall. The common room contains a lot of squashy armchairs, a fireplace, and tables. The fireplace is connected to the Floo Network, but as it is extremely public except in the dead of night, Gryffindors usually use owls to communicate with their families instead. There's also a notice board, for public announcements such as the date of the next Hogsmeade weekend, but also for notices from individual students seeking to buy or sell secondhand books, or trade Chocolate Frog cards, or similar, as in any school.
There are two staircases opening off the common room into the Tower itself: the boys' staircase, on which the seven boys' dormitories are located (one for each year) and the girls' staircase, on which the seven girls' dormitories are located (one for each year). The girls' staircase is under a spell so that if a boy sets foot on it and persists for a few steps, a wailing klaxon goes off and the staircase temporarily Transfigures itself into a stone slide, sending him and anyone else on the stairs sailing to the bottom. According to Hogwarts, A History, the founders believed that girls were more trustworthy than boys, so that while the girls' staircase is enchanted to prevent boys from getting in, the boys' staircase does not carry a reciprocal enchantment (OP). Each dormitory is a round room with windows looking out onto the grounds, and containing four-poster beds.
Gryffindor Quidditch team:The Gryffindor team won the Quidditch Cup during the 1993 - 94 season - the first time since 1984 - and again during the 1995 - 96 season. They wear robes of scarlet.
Known Gryffindors, past and present:(c. 1851 - 185

Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian
(1931 -193

McGonagall, Minerva
(1940 - expelled 1943)
Hagrid, Rubeus (BN)
(years unknown)
Weasley, Arthur (years unknown)
Weasley, Bill (years unknown)
Weasley, Charlie (years unknown)
Weasley (nee Prewett), Molly
(1971 - 197

Black, Sirius
Evans, Lily
Lupin, Remus
Pettigrew, Peter
Potter, James
Coote, Ritchie
At least a second year by Harry's sixth year, definitely not in Harry's own year, no more than a year above Harry.
Frobisher, Victoria (Vicky)
At least a second year by Harry's fifth year, probably not in Harry's own year.
Hooper, Geoffrey
At least a second year by Harry's fifth year, definitely not in Harry's own year.
Kirke, Andrew
At least a second year by Harry's fifth year, definitely not in Harry's own year.
Robins, Demelza
At least a second year by Harry's sixth year, probably not in Harry's own year, no more than a year above Harry.
Sloper, Jack
At least a second year by Harry's fifth year, definitely not in Harry's own year.
(1987 - 1994)
Weasley, Percy Ignatius
Wood, Oliver
(1989 - 1996)
Johnson, Angelina
Jordan, Lee
Spinnet, Alicia
Stimpson, Patricia
Towler, Kenneth
Weasley, Fred
Weasley, George
1990 - 1997
Bell, Katie
McLaggen, Cormac
1991 - 1998
Brown, Lavender
Finnigan, Seamus
Granger, Hermione
Longbottom, Neville
Patil, Parvati
Potter, Harry
Thomas, Dean
Weasley, Ronald "Ron"
1992 - 1999
Creevey, Colin
Weasley, Ginny
1993 - 2000
Vane, Romilda
1994 - 2001
Creevey, Dennis
MacDonald, Natalie
Peakes, Jimmy
1995 - 2002
Abercrombie, Euan
Possible Gryffindors (not canon)
two unidentified girls?
King, R. J. H.
McGonagall, M. G.
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