Originally posted by mercutioz:
Pointing System:
Exact Score (Correct Selection + Score + GD) +3 pts
Correct GD (Correct Selection + GD) +2pts
Correct Score (Correct Selection only) +1 pt
Wrong Score +0 pt
*Please note that correct score for draws is +3 and correct draw but wrong score is only a +1. Sorry for last min notice.
I'm a bit confused over the Correct GD n Correct Score. Correct GD by definition is Correct Selection + GD, so wat difference is it from Exact Score?
I think wat u mean by Correct GD is correct scoreline which is harder 2 get correct as compared to Correct Score which shld b rename as Correct Selection.
Exact Score (Correct Selection + GD) +3 pts
Correct GD (Correct GD only) +2pts
Correct Selection (Correct Selection only) +1 pt
I think these are clearer n that's some mistakes in caculations for BeNo, extreme n Baseline.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
as far as i knw, the scores are still following our initial score system.
pls take note of this, hope you can understand more clearly.
TeamA v TeamB
Exact Score (2-1)
- If you predicted 2-0, 3-0, 3-1, etc, you guessed the winning team ONLY, and not the GD, so its only a 1pt.
- If you guessed 1-0, 3-2, 4-3, obviously you guessed the correct team, which is +1 and also TeamA won TeamB by 1 goal, which awards a GD +1. so total is +2.
- but if you guessed 2-1, you get full 3 pts.
- ONCE the team you guessed to win is WRONG, no points is awarded.
DRAW is a little tricky. Only +1 or +3 is awarded for draws.
-UNless you guessed EXACTLY the scoreline for DRAW, you get only +1.
-If exact score is 2-2 and you guessed 2-2, you get 3 pts, other than that, 1-1, 3-3 or 0-0 is your guess, you get +1 only.
still any doubts? read carefully and you will know wat i mean.
also, i think we're sticking to 1 cumulative overall league table only.
pls dun post other tables okay? many thanks.
hope you all understand