Originally posted by nOrmalbOi:
the earphone jack on the dvdrw would oni power the earphones when ur disc runs from that drive... if its mp3 or something stores on ur hdd.. it would not do so...
if u wan u can do 2 things.. first u could get those adapter cables that can connect to the back of ur sound card and and provide the same plug that ur earphone can plug into right at the front.. but u would need to unplug ur speakers everytime u wanna plug in ur earphones..
or 2nd.. and personally the one i feel is more workable is to get a splitter along with the cable in the first option and plug both in..
other options available to u would be to go get a headphone with ultra long cables.. >2m ones.. then u can just plug in and relax on ur chair and play ur games at nite....
alternatively... u can opt to blast u speakers at nite till someone complains or pulls ur hair out or both.... hehe
i thought of getting a splitter but where to get and tell waht to the shop owner ? " i want blah blah..." and i tell him a story of my situation before he advises on something...
i looked at my sound card and tehre's 2 outlets besides the other jacks..
they are sound output 1,2. speakers are plugged into output 1 but when i plug it to output2, tehre's no sound
i tried to play a music cd in the dvd-rw with a short earphones plugged in but cant work leh..