As many have known, AirAsia X was launched on Friday in Kuala Lumpur, amid much fanfare and speculations. With promotional fares to the UK starting as low as USD3, and regular fares priced between USD80 to USD500, travelling to London for the budget-conscious would be a reality come July 2007. AirAsia X have also secured rights to China, Middle East and Europe, as well as Australia.
The A330-300 is currently the front-runner as the airplane of choice, though it means flights may have to make a stopover somewhere in the Middle East, whereas the B773ER could do it nonstop. Fernandes have spoken about his preference for the A350XWB, describing it as the "perfect plane" for AirAsia X. AirAsia X is expected to place an order for 20 units plus 10 options before the end of the month.
AirAsia Bhd also announced that they will order more A320s, in anticipation for the ever-rising demand in the Asia Pacific region, in particular to India and new points in Southeast Asia. It is speculated that up to 100 A320s will be ordered, including options.
A great year to start with for AirAsia. All the best wishes for their ambitions.
And I'm certainly looking forward to a backpacking trip to the UK with AirAsia X, better still if AirAsia flies the SIN-KUL sector!
if u can't wait for the SIN-KUL sector to open up by 2008, u can always go the JHB-KUL route. fares from S$38 onwards per way incl. tax.