Originally posted by shinkansen:What is the role of the flight engineer? What did he / she do before or during
the flight?
Thanks for the explanation so now in most modern aircraft the pilot would have to calculate the fuel consumption needed for the flight.Originally posted by LeftHandSeat:Hi there.If I may share my 0.02cts,
I ASSuMe you are talking about Flight Engineer as the one that flies onboard n is part of the OCS( Operating Crew System). they are a dinasaur breed after the B744 came about with technology that replaces the FLight engineer with a single chip. You can differentiate them from the pilots from the colors on their bars, it is purple wz 3 black stripes. Some of them are also holders of CPL themselves.
On the old aircraft that carry the flight engineer as the A300-B4 n later FWD FAcing series,the DC10, L1011,DC8, B74-1/2/3.etc. the FE job instil lookin after the overall technical health n overview of the aircraft, from fuel, temp, monitoring, BUG speeds, performance. he sit in front of a panel full of gauges, (arnd 220) if I rememeber correctly .
Before the flight, the FE calculates the fuel together wz the captain .F/O and the flt dispatcher over the fuel plan, the pilots wud look further at flight plan n nav log n ATS clearance. He then calculate the BUG speeds n hand over to the captain for final check after the final weights are finalised n loadsheet presented.
He wud also do the walk around prior to flights and final check wz the ground engineer or AME for release.
ON some freighters ,even though it's the B744, some airlines still carry FE either as a union requirements or Operational requirement, sum of them double up as a loadmaster and ensure all pallets, locks, nets, tie-down points n cargo are firmly secured before the door is closed.the FE also make sure the LIR (Load Instruction Report ) tally wz the weights label that are on the cargo itself.
It is no mean feat as a B747 freighter carries up to a full config of 38 pallets position & he has only less than an hour to do all these checks before door closed n he is up there for " BEFORE take off checks wz his team.
Well, I hope these helps you to understand what a FE role is or was!
FYI, since early 1990s, before 1996, SIA has already laid off the FE n offer either Golden handsakes, role switch to pilot, instructors andeven cabin crew! with the arrrival of the B744. But most of them, I would say, are very well to do n comfy now .
So one day the realisation of UAV will become a reality. Haizzzzzz..........
Im sorry I don't know how to load photos here or else can show some old nostalgic pics.
Originally posted by shinkansen:Thanks for the explanation so now in most modern aircraft the pilot would have to calculate the fuel consumption needed for the flight.
After watching the HK drama Triumph in the Skies (™t�ã‰]èº) I have more understanding about the role of the pilot. So many MAny more test to take and
alot of procedure to follow strictly before the flight.
Mediacorp Tv channel U.Originally posted by LeftHandSeat:Huh? wat HK drama? u mean in Discovery channel?
To answer ur part abt pilot calculating fuel consumption, well, in modern aircraft, hte actual fuel calculation is done by the Flight Dispatcher on ground. he is the one who prepares 75% of the pilot work .The FD takes into account all the NOTAMS for the day for that route, WX conditions,WINDS ALOFT AT PREFERRED FLIGHJT LEVELS,, etc ,Load factors, MEL, n then do a fuel plan, he punched a number n on pre-flight, discuss wz the Captain who put a final figure n signed for it! During flight, the pilots keep a close eye on the fuel burnt vs the numbers on the fuel plan or CFP ( computer Flight Plan). every point has to be filled out n X-checked. ( this is a JAR/CAAS mandatory requirements as inspectors can come n audit anytime ). of coz we have to punch in a cost index into the FMS like 30% of fuel burnt factor.
There are 3 phrases of flight n Fuel burnt to monitor during T/O , Cruise and Landing or TOGA ( or alternate fuel burn calculated at 1500AGL at certain atmos pressure).
Now ,can anyone tell me abt this what HK drama about pilots?..
Originally posted by Pitot:The Hong Kong show is triumph in the skies.
I got watch the show oso.
Yes, the peeps have did a nice overview on what a FE does.
In the older aircraft, systems were less automated and the FE mostly do calculations and monitor onboard systems to ensure the plane is functioning according to terms.
Originally posted by iwillsurvive:but the show most of the time show the boeing 744 but with FE, WIERD.
peeps - people.Originally posted by LeftHandSeat:not really, if ur airline has v strong unions, then FE still keep their jobs.esp those EUR ones.
so when is this triumph in skies documentary?..is it on Ch11/12 discovery?.
I wud like to watch it ..im on LEAVE@!! Hoo hoo!!
btw, what are peeps? my friends and I are curious..
we are newbies here.