Jus to share , the reason why the Australian ATPL is not regonised here is because they,CASA DO NOT regonise ours first..so we reciprocate.
usually the UK, CAA ,FAA, JAR license need only to do a conversion by sitting for the 9V Air Law. the kangaroos wan us or anybody else in the world to do a full course n conversion..
NZ always has BASA wz us n T4, Massey would be better as they hav affiliation wz SAA/CAAS but ATTC doesn't.
subjects are same but its all about BRANDING here in ur cert.
ju m7 0.2cts of factual truth!
Originally posted by sgFish:
sorry if it doesn't help, but you can get an fATPL at massey while doing your course, and have it converted to a singapore one. Correct me if i'm wrong but the australian ATPL isn't recognised here but the nz one is.