Good day all, I'm currently considering getting an ATPL but heard that CAAS only recognises those from SFC and Massey.
So if I want to be a pilot with a local airline. I can't use those from other flying schools?
I'm new to the quest of becoming a commercial pilot and would appreciate any kind of advice.
One question includes the admission to flying schools, most sites I've seen did not state the minimum education required so what's the thing? Also if I do end up with an ATPL that can't be used in Singapore, can I fly for other airlines and eventually join SIA under their expatriate pilots scheme?
From what I know, most airlines only hires cadet pilots from their own nationality.
And even if you do get an ATPL from another country of issue, CAAS will allow it to be convert to a Singapore one only if you already have a job secured with a Singapore airliner.