Originally posted by SBS3688Y:
1st Delay :
I'd booked a ticket to Perth on 30Apr05 on QF72. The flight was scheduled to depart at 0910hrs. Upon reaching Changi Airport PTB 1, I was shocked to learn that the flight was delayed till 1830hrs due to technical problems! The airline arranged for a tour bus to fetch affected passengers to Kings Copthorne Hotel for complimentary accomodation till further notice.
2nd Delay :
And guess what - I received a leaflet slipped under my hotel room door in the afternoon; that the flight had been further postponed to 0130hrs the next day!!!
3rd Delay :
ok - nevermind - shortly before midnight I packed up and left in the chartered tour bus for the airport. I happily checked into the airport counter and finally arrived at the waiting lounge and was prepared to board the plane. But during the last 15 mins of the scheduled boarding time - an announcement was made to inform that the plane was still unserviceable!!!! And all passengers had to go back to the hotel again!!! Anger, confusion and disappointments began to show on almost all the passengers faces....And I'd to check out of the airport again, wait for my luggages, took the charted bus again; but this time going to Traders Hotel!
And I finally boarded the flight only in the evening at 1930hrs (1st May) - this time in another flight!!!!!
How am I going to trust Qantas again????? I think I'd rather pay more to travel on a more reliable airline in future....
maybe u should be glad that u took another flight and not that aircraft...Who knows what might be wrong with it that took so long still not serviceable...