hmm....the way is to look forward and stop resenting your past. actually, i was like u too. my family had 4 kids. i was the third daughter, the third child and also the third disappointment my parents had. the fourth child was my kid brother. they had hoped for a boy but alas, they got me.

my family was very poor as well. i never had a can of coke to myself. we always had to share. my clothes were always hand-me-downs from my sisters. my mum cried in front of me once, the only time she allowed herself to breakdown in front of her kids. i dont have any toys. my mum work. worst, she worked the night shift. during the day, she slept and i was always home alone. i was only 5 and i had to go to school by myself. and when i was sick, she cannot take leave. so it was just up to myself. and my dad had a volatile temper, i was constantly afraid of being his outlet for venting his fustration.
somehow, i never resent the fact that i was born into a poor family. because i don't think there is anything to feel bad about. i do think u have a tough childhood but lets look on. thats all in the past. stop being angry. lok forward. i'm a natual pessimist but i try to be positive instead of letting myself spiral downwards. i'm sorry but i seem to be extremely blunt! well, i have been through a lot and i have an unhappy childhood being poor, fat and ugly. i was isolated by my schoolmates. they refuse to mix with me and i was often the subject of ridicule. but why ponder over this? shake my head and get these thoughts out!! i do not think i have it worse than others nor do i think much are better off than me.
u gotta get going. there gotta be worse out there. they do not have the luck like u and me to be here, posting about out past encounters. now when i look back, i found myself going down the memory lane with nostalgia, no anger, no resentment. because i'm too busy counting the blessings i have now.