from your posts, it looks like your vocab isnt limited at all ah now
well, i guess you're what people call a self-made man. Wasn't given much, but made something of himself.
If a difficult childhood moulded you into a tough, resilient, hardworking citizen, then maybe your karma isnt too bad after all. Coz now you can take care of yourself.
But there're rich man's sons, who're too sheltered during the first 20 years of their lives, and grew up never learning how to take care of themselves. These people are unlikely to find success in life. These are the true sad cases. Ever seen 19 yr old NSF boy who does not even know how to tie his own shoelaces? I don't think this kind of people can survive.
In Singapore, no such thing as pedigree ah, right. Everyone is given opportunities to make something of themselves. Only whether we have what it takes.
Well nelstar,
Respect to you

So far so good, right, coz you have what it takes.