hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaOriginally posted by HENG@:A Small Mistake
I had made a small mistake,
And now I am condemned to fate.
Everytime I meet the mob,
The laugh they tease like its their job.
I laugh with them, it IS that funny.
But I swear someone is NOT my honey.
I know that no one is serious,
My crime though stupid, is not that grevious.
A word of advice I shall despense,
Ignore it at your own expense.
Never commit, at the risk of gossiping,
The mistake of following Dennis to go shopping.
Originally posted by laurence82:OMG, u and dennis went shopping?![]()
they went shopping together..and only the pair of them..Originally posted by the Bear:that's their excuse
hahawhhahahhawhawhawhhawhawhhawwaOriginally posted by the Bear:"hey.. has he come yet?"
"no.. but he's breathing real hard.."
Originally posted by s|nNeD:*pengz*
no lah he not in denial! juz dat the rush of memories floored him only lah!Originally posted by s|nNeD:*pengz*
maybe he was waiting 4 u 2 make the 1st move!Originally posted by laurence82:hmm, but heng@ didnt do anything to me at toilet juz now...
Originally posted by laurence82:hmm, but heng@ didnt do anything to me at toilet juz now...
Originally posted by True_Xerion:maybe he was waiting 4 u 2 make the 1st move!![]()
Originally posted by laurence82:
holy bak chor mee, he just comb his hair nia, and i just standing ard talking abt some nazis...
Originally posted by laurence82:oh dear, why everything sounds kinky to bear?![]()
maybe because he is kinked?Originally posted by laurence82:oh dear, why everything sounds kinky to bear?![]()
oops.Originally posted by choco B:Bwahaahha I luve this poem!
Aawww poor Heng *huggies*
P.s. "dispense"