Hahaha, I think this poem should be read by every members of the ruling party.

Indeed sometimes I do see myself as ant, going to work, day in day out, following the mass, etc.

Just a few things I need to clarify,
First line ‘Sometimes in my dawn,’ the word ‘my’ is it from the island’s point of view, i.e. the personification of the island?
If that is the case, the word ‘we’ in ‘Imagine that we should all’, are you referring to Singaporean in general?
So is this poem written from the ‘island’ point of view or from the ‘Singaporean’ point of view? Actually it is not a big issue liao, I just want to know have a better picture in order to better enjoy the poem.

Secondly, first stanza, second line ‘the smoke from the ants below’, the word ‘smoke’, are you referring to air pollution in general?
I love the way you give our leaders a god-like status here,
The leaders of this nation
stand warily amongst us men. Be it fear or distance
no one can see through
the coats of white and
the poker faces in public debate
It is about time they come and live among us mortals.
Overall an A + piece of work!