Originally posted by Belle:
Yes, emotions can be controlled. Controlling emotions doesn't mean hiding it. Negative emotions, no matter how good you hide it, will definately affects your judgement and also cause harm to your mental and physical health. The best way is to reduce all these negative emotions to the minimum.
If anyone of you is interested, there is a book written by Anthony Robbins, tittled "Awaken the Giant Within".
In this book, there is a certain section which teach us how to shift our emotions from negative to positive. I'm now trying one of the exercises in this book called the 'mental diet', which means that in 10 consecutive days, whenever anything happen which will cause aniety, anger, depression,etc., i have to immediately shift these negative mental states to positive ones. This exercise is really tough, i have been trying it for more than a month liao but still haven succeed yet.
Actually emotions is easily reinforced. If one repeatedly gets irritated, the mind will be so used to this emotion. So when little things happen, the mind will automatically searches for the most familiar emotion to match.
Sound interesting. Where can I get it? MPH?