Here's the answers, to reveal em, highlight the line under the questions

Star Wars Movie Trivia - Classic Trilogy 1977 - 1983
1) In A New Hope(ANH), what was the occupation of Luke's foster family?
moisture farmers2) The Detention Block where Leia was held, what was it's designation?
AA-233) Han Solo did this in under 12 parsecs ...
Kessel Run4) How many bounty hunters were assembled when Darth Vader was briefing them about the capture of Han Solo
65) What were their names?
Zuckuss, 4-LOM, IG-88, Dengar, Boba Fett & Bossk6) What material was Hans Solo encased in for his journey to Darth Vader?
carbonite7) What was the name Leia used for her bounty hunter disguise in Return of the Jedi(ROTJ)?
Boushh8 ) How did Boba Fett meet his end in ROTJ?
fell into the Sarlacc's mouth9) What vehicle did Chewbacca use to help blast open the bunker doors on Endor's moon?
AT-ST10) What did the Ewoks think C3PO was when they first saw him?
a god from the stars- enjoy!