There was a jester who amused the king greatly with his many witty jokes, puns and wordplays, usually poking fun at the rival kings and knights.
However, one day, the jester inadvertantly threw a verbal barb at the king. The king was a petty and malicious one, was incensed. Immediately, he ordered the jester to face his biggest and most brutal knight in a fight to the death.
The jester was in a fix. On the jousting grounds, he was ill-equipped to fight the giant hulk of a knight.
However, he went to the field armed only with his wit while the knight was fully armoured and armed atop his armoured charger.
The jester, instead of trying to fight, started shouting out bawdy limericks and wordplay.
The knight, instead of charging and attacking, was reduced to fits of uncontrollable laughter.
Pressing his advantage, the jester kept at it with the bawdy jests... so much so that the knight fell off his horse in a surge of mirth and crashed to his death.
The jester was proclaimed the winner and survived.
Moral of the story: The
PUN is mightier than the sword..