dictionary.com also got thesaurusOriginally posted by Xephone_xenon:I teach you one good way to improve vocab.
This is my jia chuan mi fang, normally i dont tell people one.
Lucky you.
First of all must download this.
Its a offline dictionary progamme. Damm useful one.
Then when you writing. Mayb you want to write "sick"
You type in the programme. Then check for synonyms.
Sure got alot pop out. For the word sick alone.
The programme got like near 50 words for it.
Then from there slowly improve vocab lor!
Ish more lag.Originally posted by rathcycle:dictionary.com also got thesaurus
i download for fug ?
Thanks for sharing.Originally posted by Xephone_xenon:I teach you one good way to improve vocab.
This is my jia chuan mi fang, normally i dont tell people one.
Lucky you.
First of all must download this.
Its a offline dictionary progamme. Damm useful one.
Then when you writing. Mayb you want to write "sick"
You type in the programme. Then check for synonyms.
Sure got alot pop out. For the word sick alone.
The programme got like near 50 words for it.
Then from there slowly improve vocab lor!
really thank you very much.Originally posted by Bluesky_Liz:Anybody can write just to express his/her feelings. It doesn't even have to rhyme. It doesn't have to be a proper poem. If it makes you feel better to write out stuff, just do it.
Mad Pencil Club does not require members to be experts in English to express themselves here.Of course we do encourage everyone to explore further and improve themselves.
I think a lot of us here are not Literature students or English masters. But we try our best.
If you are serious, you really want to get into mastering the craft, then you must start by reading more poems -- from classic to modern to contemporary. Find poets you like and read their works. See how they write. And then take on their habits while you slowly develop your own style.
You can also check out this thread where you can find some excellent notes on writing poems:
And this thread for books on how to go about writing good poems.
When i come across any words i do not know, i would check dictionary.com for other words of the same meaning, and i don't lag loh..Originally posted by Xephone_xenon:Ish more lag.
she's anorexic, her mum n dad blames me when taking her out i never make sure she eats... thats why get into hospital again.Originally posted by Bluesky_Liz:I did feel bad for you reading that, especially since you seem to want to see someone and yet you aren't allowed or welcomed to. There is a conflict between the parents and you, and yet you all love the same person. It is actually an interesting thing to explore in writing, either through poem or prose even. Romantic to the end, I thought.
Hope things get better for you and your love one as well.
rhythm... hmm...Originally posted by ChingAlvin:I think, it does not take really good english to write a poetry, but you have to know the different meanings of each word well. That is more so if you are writting with influence from ancient writers.
Rhyming in my opinion, is not a must, its just one of the techniques.
one of the most important which draw readers is the rhythm.
so actually... rhyming words will make a better poem, with right amount of syllables...Originally posted by ChingAlvin:Maybe u can think of poetry writing as music.
What attracts people in music is the music and rhythm.
Rhythm does not necessary means rhyming, but of course each aids one another in a way or 2..
so how do you feel about my first poem...Originally posted by ChingAlvin:but lyrics and poems can be very different too.
there are many many styles for poetry.
I dont really know how to explain, i guess u have to read through poetry books.
My teacher told me this, "Control the techniques, instead of allowing techniques to control you" which i feel is very true.
ahhh i see..Originally posted by ChingAlvin:I would say its a sincere poem.
What i noticed is that, you tried rhyming, but gave up halfway through, right?
Maybe you can use different stanzas to mark different situations, feelings or happenings in the poem..
I would also encourage use of punctuation marks, it would allow readers have a clearer understand of what you are writing.
Try brushing up on techniques to make your poetry stand out.
I can understand what you want to bring across, but it does not really bring imagery in my mind. That would be one very important aspect, in the creation of any art form.
I am not a professional critic, just my 2 cents. You would need other forumites criticize on your piece before any criticism can become helpful..
My teacher told me this too, "What is not relevant, is not needed." You can try making things sweet and simple.
Yeah, its all about your feelings.Originally posted by rathcycle:ahhh i see..
yes i tried to rhyme, but it was hard.. but i didn't give up wor...
btw, i just feel like it contains all my feelings.
yes, shi fu !Originally posted by ChingAlvin:Yeah, its all about your feelings.
Once an art piece is avaliable for the public to see, interpretations would differ from people to people, which is why there are certain guidelines for art critics to follow, to try get the most accurate interpretation.
Once you put in your feelings, you would tend, not "over doing" it, and it would show whatever you want in the simplest yet artistic manner.
im just writing this today,Originally posted by tare:i'm not the right person to comment or give advise.. cos my poems all anyhow anyhow de
poem dun have to rythme... it's just one of the techniques. and to force words to rythme sometimes just make the poem sounds awkward.
one way is to read it out loud to urself and see if it flows. not just the words, but the thots behind it...
just read more and keep writing...