Original image taken from the InternetAs most of you are aware this is not exactly our first competition. But since we have a new name for our forum we might as well have a new name for our competition.
Although the theme will remain as “Food”, however participants can also choose to write about something else. In view of this the theme thus serves as a guide in case you have no idea what to write.
So those are some of the new changes.
As usual before you submit please read the rules and regulations carefully.
Bon appetit!
Rules for the Contest 1) You must be the original author of your submissions.
2) No published poems allowed.
3) Maximum
TWO submissions per participant.
Submissions are strictly via pm only. After the deadline I will post all submissions in a thread without the name of the authors. ParticipantsÂ’ identities will only be revealed after the results are out.
5) All submissions must be in latest by
26th February 2007.
6) Non-sgforums members are most welcome to participate. #
Open Category & JudgesÂ’ Choice Category In the Open Category members of the public, i.e. you will get to vote for your favourite poem. The poem with the most votes will be the winner for this category. A different thread will be created on a later for voting purpose.
In the JudgesÂ’ Choice Category members from the judging panel will select a winning poem. The panel will consist of three local/overseas poets. The names of the three judges will be announced on a later date.
It is highly possible that the same poem is selected for both categories i.e. two prizes will be awarded to the same winner.
I wish to clarify that if your poem is not selected in the JudgesÂ’ Choice Category, it does not mean your poem is not good enough. The judges have the right to select, in their opinions, the best poem among the submissions.
# For non-sgforums members, you can send your submissions via email. My email address can be found at my blog. Due to security reasons, attachment will not be entertained.Good luck and happy writing!

We have 9 participants with 12 submissions.