Thank you for your thoughtful critique, DeadPoet! I always appreciate it!
Originally posted by DeadPoet:
[b]Someday, IÂ’m just going to
say I give
And throw my hands
into the air
Cupping the stars and hoping that they
What is the difference between “Someday, I’m just going to say I give up …” and “Someday, I’m going to give up …”? I like what you are doing here.
The difference is slight; whether it's just words, or actual giving up. I think I'd prefer the phrase 'say I give up' because there's less certainty in it, and it sounds more weak and unsure. Which, I think, fits in better with the whole 'someday I'll do this and someday I'll be that'. The whole poem kinda sounds like a really weak threat, don't you think? Like those threats people make, saying they'll commit suicide or hurt themselves and so on.
Hm, I don't actually know. Honestly, I wasn't thinking about that choice of phrasing whilst writing this.
What a very mean thing to think
Santa claus wonÂ’t be very happy
to find that you wished his
traffic lights dead
YouÂ’ll regret this
as soon as the first snow
and the death of silent night
brings presents for everyone
but you
Should be “Claus” right? I don’t really like the idea of comparing stars with traffic lights but in this case, since Santa is driving, it will do. Can you find another word to replace “death”?
Whoops. Yes, it should be. Why don't you really like the idea of comparing stars to traffic lights? And why should the word 'death' be replaced? I'd like to know how you see it, because I'm looking at this from a rather biased point of view.
Someday, IÂ’m just going to
pray to the sky and the roads
And not to God
because they are here
deciding my fate
and He is Above
Up there behind the clouds
behind the shamed moon
Why “Me” with a capital M? Why are the sky and the roads deciding your fate? Why “shamed moon”?
Well, when we talk about God, we use 'He', capital H. The using of 'Me' is like saying, I'm the master of my own fate, sort of thing. And a very strong sense of the speaker being a little self-centred, as well.
As in, the sky and the roads are more pertinent to your fate than God, because you can see the roads and skies, and they directly affect you, as opposed to God, who is, in physical life, a non-existant entity.
I'm not sure about the 'shamed moon', myself. Because she's hiding God away? Shamed = hiding, so maybe it's just a way of saying it's a dark night with no moon, or the moon is hidden by the clouds? As a reader, it's up to you to interpret it. Do you think it's too fanciful, extra, what?
Watch and wait, I will burn
like the stars
that you want me to become
Personally this is the strongest stanza and I think it will make a good ending. It is quite a refreshing poem and I really like it. 
Thank you!
When I was writing this poem, I wasn't really thinking about the meaning, just trying to get a point, a feeling, across. So it really is up to you, as the reader, to interpret it.