Let's put it this way:
Any mother's son (or daughter) can be a poet. It is by no means necessary that you should be a writer.
If anything, I'm becoming a more prolific writer - but at the expense of my poetry. I spend a lot more time writing 1000-word entries in my blog than writing five-stanza pieces in my poetry notebook.
Seems to me that these days, I can express myself in prose better than in verse. I still do write the occasional poem, though not as much as before. I could fill up an A5-sized A'Zone notebook within five months in my heyday when I was in Sec 4 - but now I can't even complete one book in a year.
In the end, it also has to do with how you handle things. Apparently I find it hard to find a balance between prose and verse. I sincerely hope that you'll find the going easier than I do.