Originally posted by DeadPoet:wad is ur blog add by the way? We can also see it via ur blog ma.
[b]Our Son And The Water Shortage
When the water shortage comes along
heÂ’s been waiting all his life for it,
all nine years for something to need him as the
water needs him now. He becomes
its protector – he stops washing, till dirt
shines on the bones behind his ears
over his brain, and his hands blaze like
dark badges of love. He will not
flush the toilet, putting the life of the
water first, until the bowl
crusts with gold like the heartÂ’s riches and his
room stinks, and when I sneak in and
flush he almost weeps, holds his
hands a foot apart in the air and
says do I know there is only about
this much water left! He befriends it, he
sits by its bedside as if it is a dying
friend, a small figure of water
gleaming on the sheets. He keeps a tiny
jar to brush his teeth in, till green
bugs bathe in its scum, but talk about
germs and heÂ’s willing to sacrifice his health
to put the life of the water first, its
helplessness breaks his heart, the way it
waits at all the faucets in the city for the
cocks to be turned, and then it cannot
help itself, it has to spill
to the last drop. Weeks go by and
our son is glazed with grime, and every
cell of dirt upon his body is a
molecule of water saved and he
loves those tiny molecules
translucent as his own flesh in the spring, this
thin vivid liquid boy who has
given his heart to water, element
so much like a nine-year-old – you can
cut it, channel it, see through it and
watch it, then, a fifty-foot
tidal wave, approaching your house
and picking up speed as it comes.
By Sharon Olds
I knew it.
They are coming back to haunt me – the souls of those ants and grasshoppers I had tortured and killed when I was a kid. I am not going into details regarding my heinous crimes. This is after all a poetry blog.
Unlike my friends for example dsnake1 and Gilbert, I find it difficult to write about my childhood. I’ve tried several times and all ended up was either too prosy or too sentimental. I seriously suspect I am trying to suppress certain episodes of my childhood’s memories. What could they be? Was it when I “accidentally” saw some village girls bathing along the river? Was it that time I “accidentally” played my uncle’s video tape assuming all tape labelled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs must be, ahem, about the fairly tale?
Gosh, my childhood was indeed a dangerous phase where “accidents” happened frequently. It was also a dangerous phase for ants and grasshoppers. May their souls rest in peace.
Like the boy in the above poem, I do have certain obsessions when I was a kid. One particular obsession stood out from the rest, i.e. I was obsessed with comma. No kidding, I was obsessed with comma. Weird right?
I love to spend my free time counting commas in story books. Not only that, I organized competition for my story books and declared the book with the most commas wins. Yippee!
Come to think about it now maybe I was not weird, maybe I was bored.
Somewhere out there.Originally posted by bryanseb:wad is ur blog add by the way? We can also see it via ur blog ma.
Originally posted by DeadPoet:1. village girls bathing along the river
I knew it.
They are coming back to haunt me – the souls of those ants and grasshoppers I had tortured and killed when I was a kid. I am not going into details regarding my heinous crimes. This is after all a poetry blog.
Unlike my friends for example dsnake1 and Gilbert, I find it difficult to write about my childhood. I’ve tried several times and all ended up either too prosy or too sentimental. I seriously suspect I am trying to suppress certain episodes of my childhood’s memories. What could they be? Was it when I “accidentally” saw some village girls bathing along the river? Was it that time I “accidentally” played my uncle’s video tape assuming all tape labelled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs must be, ahem, about the fairly tale?
Gosh, my childhood was indeed a dangerous phase where “accidents” happened frequently. It was also a dangerous phase for ants and grasshoppers. May their souls rest in peace.
Like the boy in the above poem, I do have certain obsessions when I was a kid. One particular obsession stood out from the rest, i.e. I was obsessed with comma. No kidding, I was obsessed with comma. Weird right?
I love to spend my free time counting commas in story books. Not only that, I organized competition for my story books and declared the book with the most commas wins. Yippee!
Come to think about it now maybe I was not weird, maybe I was bored.
I am counting on you brother!Originally posted by dsnake1:1. village girls bathing along the river
2. (NOT) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
3. weird obsession with commas
4. torturing of insects.
that's enough material to write a poem.![]()
Thanks trendz, want to share some of your posts with us?Originally posted by trendz:wow! really impressed!![]()
I was trying to act "cool" in front of my wife, so no choice.Originally posted by Bluesky_Liz:I hate those things too. I've been on the Viking once and once is enough.
Sure.Originally posted by DeadPoet:Hello binarynwitz, I think we have quite a few things in common. HmmÂ… the problem is any forms of photo-taking are banned in MPC coffee session.
Originally posted by binarynwitz:Sure.
Upskirts are also banned. Many still found a way.![]()
You want to get wet too?Originally posted by InnoHippo:ok ....... will go dig my ears tonite
shiok ......... i feel refreshedOriginally posted by DeadPoet:You want to get wet too?![]()
Same here. I used to be afraid of making the wrong recommendation for my clinets, but now I've gotten over this fear.Originally posted by dsnake1:everyday is about making choices.![]()