Part 2 here Enjoys!True enough the sounds of gallops were heard and shouts to surrender were heard. With misgivings and curiosity, I look at the scene below but I observe as the four fight hand-to-hand combat with the army of 30 soldiers that I count up to. Not even a few minutes have gone by, and all 30 soldiers were settled. Then they packed up and continue on their way. Just when I was about to climb down the tree, two men come out from behind a boulder on the other side, the taller guy was speaking in low tones. Luckily I could lip read.
Tall guy was saying: “Shackles! our ambush failed, what now Rodney?”
The shorter guy Rodney replied: “Relax Malino, there will be more ahead, they would always be lucky”
Malino: “Fine, they are free for now, but I need to take that thing soon or else I’m doomed”
Rodney: “No worry, you will have it”
Then another guy rode to their side and say to both men: “ Sirs, we are ready to ride to Hucklemen Fortress”.
Rodney: “Noted, Captain Norman, please lead the way”
A while after they left, I climb down cautiously. Picking around the dead bodies, I look in disgust at the dead bodies but knowing what will lies ahead, I need some things. Scavenging here and there, I soon found bags of gems and coins, which I assume to be the mode of payments here. Then I found some usable clothes and realise I need to change into their medieval clothes. Weapons which I could use or sell, some horses that had been frightened off but they still hang around the area. I mused since their horse could be frightened, which only stand to reason that their former master were so lousy in battle.
Within an hour, I have plucked most of which I could use, and with some horses and mares, after which I have stripped them of their colors for their whatever clan, I continue to follow the party whom left earlier on. Somehow I just know where they went. True enough after a while I saw them on the next hill. With horses I could follow discreetly and at the same time I could disguise as a horse merchant or as a wandering traveller. Now all I need was a horse wagon, luckily I know some basic carpentry from past experience, and with remnants of the battle remains, I repairs the horse wagon the dead soldiers had rode but was left by the roadside in the midst of battle. Along the way, I poked here and there and by the third night I had managed to repair and returned the horse wagon to more than its former glory. ‘What a relief!’ I thought as I would not have to face the rain and sun along the way for the weather was harsh here.
Soon I saw a village, and saw them got into a sort of inn ahead. I follow at a sedate pace but along the way I manage to peek here and there as well as listening to the villagers bargaining for good prices. After hearing most of which I have to know, I went straight to the horse merchant and start haggling for a good prices, before long I walk away with a few more bags of coins, spied a few stall which sold clothes and one which buy used clothes, I discreetly sell clothes at a medium price which made the stall owner happy, and she gossip away.
“Traveller, you are not from around here, so be careful, as a token of your kindness, I warn you there have been robbery by bandits along the road recently, so behold your riches” said the lady kindly.
“Thanks Milady, I appreciate your kindness, now would you kindly me provide me information of the best wares here, I would like to purchase for others towns ahead,” I asked in merriment.
“Sure look at those stall with yellow banners, best in the villages and fairy priced too” replied the lady cheerfully.
With a thank I walked around and I bump into someone, looking up I realize he was the leader I had met earlier on but I recover instantly. He apologised and walked away soon after. ‘What a guy! But he was handsome.’ I thought. Soon feeling tired I retreat to the inn I saw them in.
Asking for a room, I went to the room to rest and ponder over the reasons why I was here in the first place. Other people may have screamed in despair but not me, I know myself and I can easily adapt anywhere anytime. With this in mind I analyze what had happened since the beginning, firstly I obviously come here through a portal set up by someone, and knowing it was set up purposely, obviously I was supposed to come here for a reason. But what irked me were not the set-up but the anonymous person who never thought to ask for my permission. Mentally I think of ways to torture that person.
Soon I feel hungry, I decided to go down for a meal. But before that I need to pack and clear my things for readiness to leave anytime the other four go as I felt uneasy being left alone, and beside that I saw them first since I come, so my being here may have a bit to do with them. First I packed my things bearing the ladyÂ’s warning in mind, I packed all valuables into different bags and to be hidden here and there in conspicuous places going with the mind of one if in conspicuous places, one is unlikely to look again.
When I reached the room that I assumed to be the dining area, I went in saw an empty seat beside them, and amble there. A lady come asking for my orders, not knowing what to order seeing no menu around I ask what is the special, and was told dinner was a few dishes and a mug of grog at least that is what I thought I heard. Smiling I ask for special.
While waiting the leader walk over, “Mistress, I apologized for the incident this morning,” the guy say.
Shaking my head, I replied: “Nope sir no one was hurt, no need for apologies”
“Then mistress, do care to join my friends and me” the guy invited.
“Sure” I say.
Going over the leader introduced himself as Ryan, the lady as Meg, the talkative guy as Roy his younger brother and the last guy to be Edward.
Noting that they do not say their last name, I introduce myself as Ria following their example. Meg looked at me strangely, to which I smiled to her asking anything the matter. Meg stares at me for a while before asking me where I come from, ready with a story, I named a town in a remote place. She looked some more then settle for my answer grudgingly. Looking at her, I thank whatever god this world have for I had bought a map earlier on and had done my homework as to how this world lives.
After dinner, just as I was about to go up to my room, a commotion happened outside the inn, being curious and everyone going to have a look, I went to have a look only to recoil in horror.
To be Continued...