POEM #007 : Have You Seen My Shoes?
Contributed by LazerLordzHave You Seen My Shoes? Have you seen my shoes, my friend?
I swear! I left them here!
Modern black with flashy whites
Stylish - I am sure they were
Why are they not on my feet, my friend?
This is a good question you ask
You see, the weather was hot
and my feet sweats a lot
And one, really doesn't feel I should put to task
our friendship if I have to walk around
your house with my odourous feet
So i decided to air
my two unwholesome pair
Which was quite a backbreaking feat
I tried to scrub a bit between the toes
Did I mention there was a whole lot of grime?
and some unindentified species of moss?
Come on, being a little dirty is not a crime!
Oh there were specks of little creatures too
From my shoes they fell
About a hundred of them - kind of cute they were
But harmless - one could tell
Allow me to confess though, my friend
The emanation was an abomination
If I wax lyrical - the smell was almost physical
and rather Alive - as if it has awaken
and taken on a life of its own
kind of a volatile, hostile tang it had
One could almost taste the stench
It was really quite so bad
Are you feeling alright, my friend?
Why have you turned so white?
Stop stuttering and stammering
and start worrying about my plight
What did you say? Shoes? Walking past?
Without feet attached you say?
You are making me more than a little frustrated
If you continue this jesting play
What did you mean, from just behind me
my shoes have walked away?
by themselves down the lane
in the bright light of the day?
Enough! If you do not wish to help
Just be honest and say so
Wipe that horrified look off your face
And speedily I would go
Hey! I have not finished yet
Where are you going so hastily?
What? Run? In what, my friend?
My feet are naked you can see!
Ah! What is this! My Shoes!
I must have missed it, though I swear
it is really kind of a little curious
for I remember ... looking there...