Peebrain made a lot of good points.
This draft is rather prosey. It tells, but it doesn't really show. We can read that this happened and that happened but we aren't being brought there. Like you say the interviewer asked the narrator questions but the poem doesn't described how it was asked even though we know it's trying tell us that that the questions were demanding.
I find myself being less interested in the questions being asked, but more interested in the behavior, mannerisms and underlying feelings and thougths being sensed or experienced by the main character in this poem.
Was the interviewer's tone fierce or gentle? Did she have a certain air about her? How did she make the narrator (N) feel? When she smiles, is it genuine, overdone or fake?
Friendly interrogation - like a friend, or just someone who acts friendly but make N feel like she's looking at N ready to strike if N should proof to be inadequate? Does N answer hastily, missing out words in the process of trying to impress, or slowly and carefully choosing her words?
What else can this temporary interviewer-interviewee relationship be compared to: a teacher giving a student an oral quiz? a reporter asking an expert questions? Or a computer just shooting questionsat N?
Things like that.
There's another little nit. Near the beginning, N states that she thinks the interview went well, but there's no clue within the poem that this is so. It ends with N hoping that interviewer is impressed, which doesn't seem to gel well with confidence stated at the beginning of the poem.
Just IMHO.