With regards with this
http://www.sgforums.com/?action=thread_display&thread_id=179016The closer you became,
The more scared i was.
The moment it appeared insane,
was the reason for my cause.
To care for him always,
Uncannily was my job.
Your emergence in his gaze,
My attention rightfully robbed.
Tigether for a decade or two,
Easily surpasses your years.
But all the things that you do,
Easily erased my fears.
How long for me to accept you,
as someone not easily replaced.
My sentiments for you never grew,
For a woman i may seek solace.
You can never be my mother,
my confidante or chaperone.
You are just but another,
A woman i have just known.
You want to spend together with him,
You have to get through me first.
Accede to all my fickle whims,
and bow to my unending curse.
I maybe mean to you,
But it ended all last week.
A bride so happy in blue,
Made me tear like a creek.
However, hard for you to be,
My mother in due time.
I have learnt and i have seen,
that accepting you isn't a crime