Originally posted by DeadPoet:
[b]a boy my age looks me in my eye
slang thick and learnt from the cradle
I think 'slang thick' refers to the cheena slang, you know?
i answer in perfect english that i
suddenly feel
ashamed of
I understand this...
i chide myself for my
surreal sorrow
when he worries about the
rising price of
coffee beans
I think a coffee boy would worry.... his pay would be affected!!
older eyes smile from a
younger face
and he has my heart which
weeps out for him
Somehow, I like this.
and he chides me silently, for he
doesn't want any of my
surreal sorrow
(for what do i know?)
This one hits a chord somewhere..
I have not really touch on the technicalities yet. Ask Liz.Originally posted by tare:wah wat a dissection....
as usual, DP does the technicalities..... i just speak of how i feel...
i think i noe wat preya is trying to put across... but perhaps it's too "surreal" to grasp?? the thots wasn't communicated clearly to the reader... i read liao, is like, wat u trying to say? and have to read it again....
good effort, keep trying!!
Which one?Originally posted by KittynMeow:yah boy... DP does his thorough dissection... kekeke...
can dissect my poems as well?? keekeke would like to know what are the thoughts leh....
for this one... thought it was a little too abstract... and it felt as though the writer is not too serious abt the topic.... heh....
doesn't matter.... writing is meant to be fun anyway! keep writing.
all of them?? nah... just kidding.... any one you choose lah... kekekeOriginally posted by DeadPoet:Which one?![]()
Thanks for helping to comment choco B .Originally posted by choco B:I like this poem very much
This especially resonates
"i answer in perfect english that i
suddenly feel
ashamed of "
Reminds me of the way I buy things in broken chinese or chinese generously peppered with english.
The author writes from a view point of a schooling teenager, about the class and perhaps income divide in Singapore in a very subtle way - Exam stress vs bread and butter issues. Body shaped through gym exercises vs exertion through labour. The different accents and languages.
The class divide is something you feel and are aware of but not often vocalised aloud.
You feel bad about it, yet you feel it's wrong to feel bad because nobody wants "condescending pity" from the privileged.
Originally posted by preya:found the line break in the third line rather odd... why the emphasis on "my"?? and spelling error on "its"
The teachers frown my way
exams are round the other street
and its raining in my
paradisical life
question: why is this strophe in italics?? I thought it didn't seem to warrant that....
all the sorrows of the world on my shoulder
and i mope over midday meal
at the kopitiam
Sorry if i sound mean but i thought the use of "perfect english" here is an invitation for criticism... since there were a couple of spelling and grammar errors in the piece itself...
a boy my age looks me in my eye
slang thick and learnt from the cradle
asks me for my order with practiced
i answer in perfect english that i
suddenly feel
ashamed of
I don't see the point of "(failing)" here... could do without it....
his body is wiry
not from gym
he knows kopi-o from teh tarek and
laughs with the coffeeshop uncles
about the gahmen
my order arrives in seconds
and he balances four other cups
to other tables
joking with regulars
trying (failing) to mimic with the ang mohs
overall thought the line breaks end on an odd word/note... and I thought the last three strophes seems like an attempt to justify the piece with some moralistic statements... but it doesn't really work for me cos it sounds a bit preachy...and i can't help feeling that some statements are more exaggerations than believable... e.g. "heart which weeps out for him"
but he grins and
he collects my empty glass and
i chide myself for my
surreal sorrow
when he worries about the
rising price of
coffee beans
older eyes smile from a
younger face
and he has my heart which
weeps out for him
but deftly, he opens an old textbook
when business lulls, and his
same-eyed companions
leave him alone
and he chides me silently, for he
doesn't want any of my
surreal sorrow
(for what do i know?)
please comment![/b]