Dear fellow poets and friends. This is the official thread for voting your favourite poems. Take your time to read and appreciate the efforts made by all the contributing poets to make this competition a reality.
There will be two types of voting, i.e. the opening voting by you the viewers with
2 votes each and the judges voting by the four judges with
15 votes each. The total votes will determine the winner.
The judges for 3rd DPS (S) Poetry Writing Competition are ratinacage, pipi & poot-poot, Nelstar & LazerLordz.There will some changes in the 4th DPS (S) Poetry Writing Competition. I am working hard to make our poetry writing competition as professional as possible.

Please read the 'General Rules and Regulations' carefully. Thanks.

General Rules and Regulations (For voting) 1. Viewers and participants are allowed
2 votes each. However, you are only allowed to give 1 vote per poem, i.e. your 2 votes must be given to two different poems.
2. Participants can vote for fellow participantsÂ’ entries but not their own.
3. There will only be one winner for this round. In the event of a tie, the judging panel will make the final decision.
4. Slight changes in this round, JudgesÂ’ votes will also be reflected here.
Remember, vote for the poem not the poet!

Votes shown here include those received from PM#001: 4
#002: 10
#003: 3
#004: 20
#005: 14
#006: 10
#007: 3
#008: 15
Updated on 20th April, 22:01